My tweets

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My tweets

my mechanisms are not your mechanisms and always vice versa

“One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not. We who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs, or seem to seek them. Who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors. We are not that way from perversity, and we cannot just relax and let it go. We’ve learned to cope in ways you never had to.”Piers Anthony

My tweets

  • Wed, 18:54: RT @becca_darling: a boy in FL has been charged with misusing the 911 system after allegedly calling police to tell them his dream. isn’ …
  • Wed, 18:57: RT @jeffnoon: My tongue prods at my teeth. A word is stuck between left-side molar and wisdom, and nothing will dislodge it. I need to v …
  • Thu, 02:33: We spied a curious-looking nestbox with an inscription that read “Tweet & ye shall be re-tweeted”. #sworcery

My tweets

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