- Fri, 12:33: I’m at #604insomnia (Vancouver, BC) w/ 7 others http://t.co/qRGWUDMq
- Sat, 06:23: I’m at The Wise Hall (Vancouver, Canada) http://t.co/vjAwMKW7
- Sat, 08:46: I’m at Breka Bakery & Cafe (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/pRpO5ztp
Tag: twitter
My tweets
- Thu, 21:37: Just successfully performed mild surgery in the living-room on my roommate David. #HellYeahFirstAid. #Skills. #TaxidermyKit.
- Thu, 21:38: RT @warandpeace: Microsoft is opening a new gaming studio in Vancouver, here are some job openings – http://t.co/wqwWvnJJ
My tweets
- Wed, 18:37: madeleineishere: Dress for your Body Type http://t.co/IDDNiuHR
- Wed, 18:55: via madeleineishere http://t.co/U1ZGWOCT
- Thu, 01:27: madeleineishere: shout out to my bra wearing homies TRUTH. http://t.co/AEL83ozp
- Thu, 03:59: I’m at Falconetti’s East Side Grill (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/cjDFleNn
My tweets
- Wed, 06:08: Luciterra & Chris Murdoch’s 2 year anniversary show! (@ Guilt & Co w/ 4 others) http://t.co/TFubwLTW
- Wed, 07:27: I’m at Chill Winston (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/WXk8wRaZ
My tweets
- Tue, 01:40: Dimming the Lights and Locking Up at Coilhouse http://t.co/egP6Onqo
My tweets
- Sun, 00:46: Ohmigosh spotaneous cirque du soliex tonight!
- Sun, 11:00: Drove the Porsche to White Rock after late night ice-cream at The Cascade after a night at Cirque Du Soliex. #thiseveningcontainedsuccess
My tweets
- Fri, 12:10: “I am the sound of rain on the roof.” http://t.co/1a7Xmx4C
- Sat, 00:04: mxme: This week at Tin-Tin Paris http://t.co/JBJMsFzj
My tweets
- Sun, 02:46: I just reached Level 2 of the “Herbivore” badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different vegetarian restaurants! http://t.co/cRJ7d9KX
My tweets
- Thu, 19:03: If you believe in #NetFreedom please sign this statement before it’s too late #itu http://t.co/ZOsjbbDb via @theopenmedia
- Fri, 01:27: Why did the 20 Victoria bus just have AMBER ALERT LISTEN TO RADIO flashing as its sign?
- Sat, 03:11: RT @victoriavband: Also, @Theremina is SOCLOSE to raising the extra $5K needed to get to the Bay Area in Dec. So go donate Bay Area kid …
- Sat, 03:13: RT @ravenb: ! RT @StrikeDebt: We just raised $250k, enough to abolish $5 MILLION of debt! #rollingjubilee #peoplesbailout
My tweets
- Thu, 01:59: wnyc: On Friday, we’ll be airing a very special episode of Sesame Street.A hurricane has swept through Sesame… http://t.co/jolgdpGg