artpost: how awesome is that?

I adore my in-box. This just came in from a sculptor friend of mine, Chris Hausbeck:


This coming Saturday, October 18th my assistant Dawn Exton and I will introduce the massive mechanical sculpture ‘Inside Hausbeck’s Head-Keeshen Delight No.9’.

All are invited to join us starting at 5:00 until 10:00 for a reception and close viewing of the mechanism.

This mechanism will propel a 500 lb. clown head to a height of 50 feet out of the top of a 150 year old grain silo on the grounds of Wild Bill’s Nostalgia on rt. 3 in middletown, ct. (map)

We have constructed a giant 1200 lb. device, counter weighted with a twisted ball of steel, bone, glass, wood and implements of destruction rising and falling twelve feet through the floors.

Attached are some images and a more complete story in my flickr set.

install day 097

I sincerely hope all will be able to join us for this monumental event and help celebrate this amazing sculpture.

Cheers, Chris Hausbeck

scissor spiders

Christopher Locke makes spider-sculptures out of confiscated scissors bought at TSA auctions.


And that, my lovelies, concludes my Hallowe’en Post-An-Hour, as I am now going to actually go out and try to happily flounce around in my costume at Ben‘s movie with Michael. If you liked what you saw, please feel free to throw me a few coins towards a bus-pass in leiu of trick-or-treating candy. Thanks! Happy holidays!