Time left until the Pillow Fight!
00 Days, 04 Hours, 02 Minutes, and 40 Seconds
(Fluffier and more Poofy)
n: vb: the spice of imagination
Boca Del Lupo is a guarantee of a good time, and Steve Reich is one of those people who’s so good at what he does I continually forget he’s a real person. So far Duncan’s says he’s coming, and I have a Maybe from Gerald, (the Bowan Island rock-star viking).
Also at the Art Gallery – this Saturday is the Annual Pillow-Fight Flashmob. The time for pillow-bopping, rain or shine, is 3 pm sharp, not a minute sooner. (Set your watches to Transit Time.) Bring your fluffiest weapons of mass-destruction The pillow-fight will end at 3:15.
There are very few rules, but they’re essential.
1. Look inconspicuous. Hide your pillow until it’s time. You’ll spoil the surprise if you draw attention to yourself. No obvious congregating beforehand. There are plenty of places nearby to casually wait.
2. Do not boff anyone without a pillow. Do not boff people with cameras unless invited to do so. USE COMMON SENSE.
3. At 3:15, vanish like feathery ninjas.