It is official, we are down to merely one person who has not made out with someone.
Somebody needs to neck with Bill.
n: vb: the spice of imagination
It is official, we are down to merely one person who has not made out with someone.
Somebody needs to neck with Bill.
This may be one of the most shirtless parties I have ever attended.
Also, people keep biting me.
Plus, biting me.
Many apologies to my derest Sophiekitten. I’m canceling the lazershow outing Sat. Happily, I replace it with a party invite. It is now sitting in your in-box.
p.s. could you please inform me which one of your myriad edresses is your main one?
Obey the Goo!
Help Zim Repair TV To Conduct Mind Control Brainwashing Experiment On Hapless Victims – Also – Test Subjects Wanted
Subjects Must Have Squishy Thinkmeats Suitable For Totally Harmless Procedures
Zim Party Yardsale Fundraiser!
2033 e53rd avenue
from noon onwards
Clothes, trendy, funky, & fun, Records, Tapes, CDs, Shoes, Books, Comics, etc.
An Invader Zim Party is being tentatively scheduled for two weeks from now, at an as yet unndisclosed downtown location.
(Yes, we have every episode so far released)
Any interested parties, say aye.
Yesterday was so nice.
I’m happy today. It’s neat.
loving time with the Aubreylove,
rid of the brotherchild Robin,
a party even was visited!
an amusing moment was being dropped off in a shiny black convertable while the yokels across the street, (whom call us freaks), stopped in thier tracks to watch. *grins*
I haven’t been to a parrty in AGES. I feel vaguely sad that I found out later that I could have stayed longer. A phonecall arrived soon after I left the house which has delayed our trip a day, so I could have stayed as long as I’d wanted to and got home around midnight or one. *sadface* But it was alright the way it turned out. Had a lovely dinner. Had a finally-we’re-talking-about-this talk with the Love. Had a satisfiable evening. *grins* (Satisfiable? *laughs at self*)
I was wound up when I got home. People. Wow. I spent time with PEOPLE! Real ones! That I didn’t have to type to talk to!! *awe* And they were some of my favorite fleshies too… I sang the happy doom song for an hour straight.
Today I am going to surprise the love by bringing him to the bright scarlet red buckyball eiffel tower I found.
his name is dan. (Hi dan! *hugs you*).
there are grr toys. must get a grr toy.
Saturday, the 26th from 2pm onwards @ my place
– e-mail me for my addy & directions if you don’t have them
BYO : bathingsuit, towels, friends, meatthings, (we’ll cook), & booze if you really want any.
Why : We’ve got a 6 ft. Kiddie pool and, (temporarily), a really good BBQ, (it’s Rays), and because it’s summer and we should have at least ONE party dammit!
Disclaimer: I am fully aware that Illuminaries was somewhat pathetic last year. I had, in fact, completely forgotten it’s existance. It took a wonderful poet of a tomato-thief gentleman to remind me of the fun. Silly me. I apparently make more of an impression on people than I am aware of. So!
Illuminaires!! Come one! Come all! See weaving serpents, birds in flight, planets in orbit, schools of fish, and creatures of the imagination, glowing and shimmering with music, fire sculptures, torch choreography and a fireworks finale…
Join us July 26, 2003.
Added bonus – I have all the materials we’ll need to make our own little lanterns
When: the weekend of the 25th – either Friday or Saturday. Whichever is better for the most people. So tell me when!
Where: my place – e-mail me for my addy & directions if you don’t have them
Why : We’ve got a 6 ft. Kidde pool and, (temporarily), a really good BBQ, (it’s Rays), and because it’s summer and we should have at least ONE party dammit!
BYO : bathingsuit, friends, meatthings, (we’ll cook), and booze if you really want any.
So remember! Tell me which you’d rather! Friday or Saturday!
I’m tallying the preferences before I send out invites!