Alrighty – everyone who has now been hooked onto Princess maker Two, give a raise of hands.
I know within ONE day of my downloading and posting about it, FIVE people were also grabbed from my journal alone. Who else? Anyone?
n: vb: the spice of imagination
Alrighty – everyone who has now been hooked onto Princess maker Two, give a raise of hands.
I know within ONE day of my downloading and posting about it, FIVE people were also grabbed from my journal alone. Who else? Anyone?
I’m downloading Princess Maker 2. I’m hoping to raise the queen of evil.
Any tips?
I’m celebrating by playing a vampire game where you wander around a chessboard city trying to find humans to eat. It’s sort of a depressing sort of celebration. The house is too hot, there’s no-one-line to chat with, my e-mail has been completely replied to – even the ones I’ve been slightly avoiding…
Those letters that clutter your in-box from people that for some reason or another, you’re not entirely certain you wish to remain in contact with. The guy at the party you exchanged e-mail addresses with a year ago whom you haven’t seen since who keeps pressuring you to go for coffee, the girl who’s a friend of a friend you were introduced to on-line who you’ve come to realize is so irritating in thier worldview that even chatting with them is like scraping the enamel off your teeth with a nail file, etcetera, ad nauseum. There’s harmless ones too, that continually are put off – simple letters between friends/aquaintences that you just can’t seem to get your mind together enough to reply to today, and today, and today, and today.
I have continual ideas that are smothered. Lack of funding, lack of friends. There’s a new gelato place on Main street, kittycorner to Heritage Hall. It has a sign shaped like an ice-cream cone with incomprehensibly connected messages floating on rings around the innerlit wafer. I tried to make meaning out of them and failed. Cross cultural referencing lacking a cohesive whole.
Sometimes I remember things and I suddenly see this little city around me in a new way. Everything shifts with the light. Small town traffic in a small town city. Endless nattering conversations about the same things. You know him who knows her that dated him, who ran off and slept with that guy who’s a friend of hers and the guy you know at the coffeeshop. Everyone here is so interconnected it’s impossible to meet somebody new.
I miss living in a real city.
Melting in this basement office space, I am dreaming of lightning. Of water, drenching and wet to fall torrential from the heavens. Blue turning to black to crash and thunder down.