Humble Indie Bundle 2

Humble Indie Bundle 2: pay what you like for 5 indie games, support EFF and Child’s Play.

Pay what you want. If you bought these five games separately, it would cost around $85 but we’re letting you set the price!

All of the games work great on Mac, Windows, and Linux.

We don’t use DRM. When you buy these games, they are yours. Feel free to play them without an internet connection, back them up, and install them on all of your Macs and PCs freely. There is no time-limit on your downloads.

You can support charity. Choose exactly how your purchase money is divided: Between the game developers, the Electronic Frontier Foundation, or the Child’s Play Charity. Also, if you like this deal, a tip to the Humble Bundle itself would be much appreciated!

This Bundle’s games are Braid, Cortex Command, Machinarium, Osmos, and Revenge of the Titans.

games games gaming games gamer games

The Humble Indie Bundle, a six-game pay-anything collection, hit $1.million, goes open-source, gets extention!

The nitty gritty: as of the time of writing, nearly 116,000 people have donated nearly $1.05 million, nearly 31 percent of which will be going to the Bundle’s selected charities the EFF and children’s hospital focused Child’s Play. Full techie stats are available here, but that amounts to roughly $137,000 to each developer in a week, all of whom had seen sales of their years-old games dwindle.

To celebrate the landmark, the devs are extending the sale for the rest of this week for any latecomers, and are beginning to make good on their GPL-licensed open source promise, beginning with Wolfire’s Lugaru HD. Gish and Penumbra will soon be following suit, and Aquaria has made the surprise announcement that they’re coming on-board with the open source promise, as well.

PORTAL, the clever game of twisty physics couched in black humour, is free for download (with the installation of Steam) until May 24th!

Portal used to cost money. Until May 24th, it’s free. End of story.
Well, technically speaking, there are some strings attached. Fortunately, they’re entirely decorative. We just like the way they look, swaying in the gentle breeze created by a million people simultanously fainting from shock at the news that Portal is free. Now you have no reason not to try Portal.
“I have a reason,” some of you are probably typing into an angry email. “You see, sir, I own a Mac.”
Well guess what: For the first time ever, Portal is also available for the Mac.

artpost: possibly one of the most unique interfaces I’ve ever seen

The wicked playful, amazing and just downright weirdo-funny portfolio of talented, award winning, dutch flash artist/designer Coen Grift.

Make sure to zoom in on everything, there’s an obscene amount of detail packed into the 1000 megapixels of art, comedy, and minigames.

To start, find the raccoon with the metal detector. He’s hanging out by the tree of carrot death.

via James Everett

the free rice project

Late night question: Has anyone been able to get past level 50 on Free Rice? I’m stuck.

For those not in the know somehow, Free Rice is a vocabulary game that, for every correct answer, donates a set amount of rice to the United Nations to help end world hunger. I highly recommend it as the first place to go whenever you feel the need to either keep busy while something’s loading or just down right procrastinate. Me, I’m just not so hot at falling asleep before 2 am.

another day applying

Originally uploaded by postdesigner.

Matthew Hurst of Nielsen BuzzMetrics created a map of some thousand or so of the web’s most popular blogs.
One for Livejournal is posted to his blog.

Almost fifteen years ago, celtic arm band tattoos took Vancouver by storm. It was the big trend, the most awesome fad. It went well with the Irish pubs that were quietly springing up all over downtown and the Xtreme sports and the short spiky hair that looked fried into position.

The driver of the bus I was just on, he had one on his right arm. His hair was just beginning to go white.

I like things like that, cultural ways to mark time.

Websites as graphs.

I’m playing a silly meme game that’s wandering around livejournal right now, a dungeons and dragons maze, where it takes your list of interests and the names off your friends list to decorate and populate a simple dungeon. Mine are turning up some really pretty ideas, embarrassingly like the sort of thing I write, like “Across one wall is a faded fresco of thoughts.” or “You notice some graffiti about explaining intuition.” or “It tastes like climbing trees.” It’s sort of a little one-handed thing I can do instead of reading a book while I’m eating my sad five dollar lasagna dinner from Quest for the Holy Donair. The only drawback is my sudden deep and abiding desire to dig up a copy of ADOM and tap away little ASCII monsters until dawn.