Facebook Friend #19 – Julie Salkowski

Facebook Friend #19 - Julie
Facebook Friend #19 – Julie

Julie is a Montreal based painter, designer, and occasional horticulturist who married one of my best
friends, Michel. We met when I visited for their wedding in 2009 and I have adored her (and their four
cats) ever since. She’s quiet, but don’t be fooled, she’s mischievous, too.

Side note: I took her photo in front of Silo #5, the home of the Silophone.

My Facebook Friends Portrait project began when I hit 1000 friends on Facebook in 2012. The project is on-going and shall continue until I take a portrait of every FB friend I have.

this statement is a lie

So here’s something fun. Tony left himself logged into Facebook on my computer when he left on Monday, which means I can do anything in there I like. So far, as I am well known to almost exclusively use my evil powers for good, I have only been toying with his status updates. The mischief so far:

  • Tony Jackson is still logged in at Jhayne’s. STILL. (She types, waving to him over in Seattle.)
  • Tony Jackson would like to be referred to from now on as Le Dude.
  • Tony Jackson is rhyming for his brothers on the corner.
  • Tony Jackson (otherwise known as Le Dude) is giving up kilts.

    So far, I am most curious regarding how many hapless bystanders will believe the last one, as it’s truly the most far fetched statement I could realistically make. I could claim Tony is going on a trip to Zambia tomorrow and it would still be more believable than the idea he might abandon his precious man-skirts. So far, I’ve already hooked… two? I’m looking forward to the morning, to check in and update with more silly things.