Sasquatch Hunter

My friends are releasing thier new mockumentary “The Sasquatch Hunter” Tuesday evening at Pacific Cinematheque. Thats July 15th. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the screening starts at 7:30. The screening is private, but please bring as many guests as you would like. There will be a charge of $4 at the door, and there will be a reception with a bar (cheap $) before and after the show.
There have also been arrangements made to continue festivities at Panama Jack’s across the street.

Please wear a costume or come full-on formal—we’re playing up the “Premiere” thing.

Press Release

Sasquatch sighting on Howe Street !!!!!

News last month that the inimitable Sasquatch had raised his shaggy head on the Island in Duncan is small potatoes in comparison to his next appearance.
The buzz about Vancouver is that he will actually be IN TOWN for the premiere screening this Tuesday night of the new blockbuster documentary “The Sasquatch Hunter”, starring Tim von Boetticher, Peter Gross, and Elle von Boetticher. Sasquatch played a small, yet integral role in the production, and the producers had to grease a lot of wheels to make his participation possible. But their perseverance paid off in what the insiders are claiming may be this season’s repeat of the Blair Witch phenomenon.

Film Synopsis

“The Sasquatch Hunter” is a documentary/comedy that details the story of a redneck self-proclaimed Sasquatch expert and his loopy, spaced out wife (June) as they explore the darkest reaches of the Pacific rain forest in search of the elusive Sasquatch or “Big Foot”.

The Sasquatch Hunter, with his wife in tow, finds numerous clues leading him to believe a real Sasquatch is close at hand. Believing he can lure the Sasquatch into a trap by using musical instruments, he prepares a series of encounters only to be foiled each time. However, as the couple descend deeper and deeper into the forest on their quest, June undergoes a psychedelic ‘vision’ that changes their situation and sets the stage for a surprise ending that will have you fit to be tied, provided you are already
loosely tied to begin with.

“The Sasquatch Hunter” is the first production of Bee Movie Productions ( and the result of the collective, slightly deranged efforts of film makers Tim and Elle Von Boetticher and Peter Gross. It was filmed entirely on location in the Pacific Northwest rain forest (Lions Bay) and features a series of kooky and unexpected characters such as “The world’s most unsuccessful Bono Impersonator” and the highly eccentric
Elbonian film maker “Jost Von Dyke”. “The Sasquatch Hunter” is a
light-hearted comedy that will leave you wanting more, partly because it’s short.