Today tastes like leaving. Crisp blue sky and a metallic coating of smoke on the skin of the tongue.
“I know that you personally do not fear to give your own life in exchange for taking others. That is why you are so dangerous. But I know you do fear that you will fail in your long-term objective to destroy our free society. I can show you why you will fail. In the days that follow, look at our airports, look at our seaports and look at our railway stations. And even after your cowardly attack you will see that people from the rest of Britain, people from around the world will arrive in London to become Londoners, to fulfill their dreams and achieve their potential. They choose to come to London as many have come before because they come to be free. They come to live the life they choose, they come to be themselves. They flee you, because you tell them how they should live.”
– Ken Livingstone.
Londoners are to contact BBC with phone and video first-hand accounts, here. Pictures have begun to be collected here.