discovered via duncan:
Tag: art
annual post: RARE EXPORTS INC: the only truly great thing to come from christmas
More information on Rare Exports at woodpecker films.
EDIT: Though this is pretty darned awesome too. Heeeellooooo disturbia…
an entry in the “life is good” LG hd shorts contest
if you’re staying in tonight, do it with some grace
via Eliza:
SIAMESE SWEATSHOP: Tag Team with Special Guest Artist Vol Hydrogen
Date: Friday, November 13, 2009
Time: 5:00pm – 8:00pm PST
Location: Hydrogen is an upcoming surrealist designer and illustrator from the SF Bay Area. With a solid background in traditional skills like anatomy, clothing and character design, and concept art, she joins SWEATSHOP slavedriver EG Gauger for a few hours of two-headed horror.
Vol and I will be drawing/painting on a giant canvas that will then be cut up into jigsaw pieces, and sold individually. You should watch the entire process live, tonight, or you may miss out on snapping up the pieces as they go on sale.
Tis the season.

Song of Birth: The 3 Magi, Oil on wood, 30″ x 28″, by San Fransisco painter Isabel Samaras.
before I jaunt off home from work
I’ve always loved this picture

Oh My Deer, by Arizona-based illustrator Chiara Bautista aka Milk. (More images here.)
bring out your dead
This video features Machine With Wishbone, a kinetic sculpture created by American artist Arthur Ganson. (His TED Talk).
purveyor of the prettah
Bethalynne, lucky partner to my clever internet cousin Myke, has updated her website, “All freshened up pretty for Halloween” with a new collection of artwork. Go check it out! Not only is she brave and beautiful, she’s wicked talented too:

Bonus! Her chock-a-block full of wonder Etsy shop where you can admire her art then take it home. Unbelievable, right? Right. Go get some here: Etta Diem
Now here’s a good costume if I ever saw one

Proliferation, oil on canvas, 30" x 40", 2008, by Scott G. Brooks from his series Under The Skin.