Jeanet & Caro’s first film, The Bunker of the Last Gunshots, now available to watch on-line!

Via Twitchfilm:

Before The City of Lost Children, before Delicatessen, long before Jean-Pierre Jeunet and Marc Caro would become international darlings, all the way back in 1981, the duo would make their live action directorial debut with The Bunker of the Last Gunshots. They had already collaborated on a pair of animated shorts by this point but Bunker was their first foray into the ‘real’ world and already their distinct style was fully on display. Running at 25 minutes, the start, seemingly post-apocalyptic film has been a hard one for fans to track down but the entire thing is now online and available for viewing. Take a look below.

LE BUNKER from kapelaans.

June 26th was a good night out for art

365:2010/06/26: after dinner on our way to galleries
After dinner, on our way to galleries.

Save On Art

Save On Art, a gallery show at the Hastings Space presenting some of Vancouver’s street art scene.

jerm ix

Local street artist Jerm IX showing his chest tatoo designed by illustrator and street artist, Basco5.

cheaper show

The Cheaper Show no. 9, 200 artists, 400 pieces of art for $200 each, hosted at the W2 Storyeum space on Cordova.


Tony examining a wall of some of the more interesting and colorful art.

going on the wall above my bed

Tony and I scored some awfully sweet treats at the Emerald City ComicCon on Sunday, (especially at the TopatoCo booth, where Tony picked up both Wondermark books, a Futurism poster, “Building a fake future in the hopes that the real future will show up to mate with it”, the Dresdon Kodak Biscuit Science shirt, Questionable Content’s glow-in-the-dark cat-with-a-rocket-pack Science is a Verb Now shirt, and Kate Beaton’s new book, Never Learn Anything From History), but one of my absolute favourites has to be a print of Powder, by Ben Walker:

Ben insists they are locked in mortal combat, (“Look at the blood and claws! You don’t know who will win.”), but we prefer our interpretation, that the moose and mighty jackalope are merely rough-housing, thundering together in epic no-holds-barred two ton tickle-fight. See that open mouth? The jackalope is laughing, its chittering squeals of merriment and mirth loud enough to shatter glass.

help some artists get to norwescon!

Regarding my recent post about Norwescon, I have to admit the primary reason I’m planning to attend this year is because my friend Myke Amend and his incredible partner Bethalynne Bajema will be in attendance. (Check out their super website, the Miskatonic Archive.) Both of them are absolutely lovely people, treasures in the world, and though I’ve known Myke for many, many years, we’ve never yet had a chance to meet!

For me, attending is simple. Seattle is three hours away by bus, the con will be full of friends, and it’s all very familiar territory. For them, not so much. Late-payment by a publisher has made the point of payment pretty much pointless, as their plane ticket prices have jumped $500 in the time it has taken (so far) for them to make good. To help, I’m asking my readers to take a look at their art and purchase something or pass it on to someone else who might.

What do these two do? Style, panache, airships, steampunk, tentacles, elegance, and dark, deadly wit. If you’re at all interested in ‘teh spooky’, these two are where it’s at. (To give you some references, Myke just recently did a book cover for another friend, Cherie Priest, author of Boneshaker, which has just been nominated for the Locus Awards, {vote for her at the link}, and had a painting commissioned by Robert of Abney Park to hang in his study.)

They have Airship Pirate T-shirts and Babydoll tees, prints from Myke Amend’s Airships and Tentacles series, pretty box purses, and Bethalynne’s striking neo-victorian art for sale at Etta Diem. Prices range from $10 for a print to $375 for an original painting, with a lot offered in between. For a more visual view of what they have on offer, they also have an Etsy shop.

HIVE3 is coming up soon! Volunteer for free admission.

Tickets available through: $25 Adults, $20 Students/Seniors.

Pricy, but oh, so deliciously worthwhile. Tony and I are going for his birthday on the 19th. I can’t express how glad I am of that particular coincidence. Along with the Eastside Culture Crawl, HIVE is one of my very favourite Vancouver events. (We don’t have too many here, no Nuit Blanche for us yet, not with the harsh reality of our arts funding cut.) Luckily, for those without monies, HIVE is still looking for volunteers to fill some positions throughout the run but in particular, Thursday March 11 and Thursday March 18. Volunteers are asked to commit to one or two shifts totaling 4 hours or more. In return you get an invitation to a HIVE3 dress rehearsal, to see the HIVE shows on the same evening you volunteer, and free entrance to the live music portion after the HIVE shows.

Volunteer Positions include:

Bar Ticket Seller or Busser (6pm-10pm, 10pm-2am)
Box Office / Main Door (6pm-10pm, 9pm-2am)
Door / Security (6pm-10:30pm, 9pm-1am, 10pm-2am)
Clean Up (12am-3am)
*Please note that times and positions may vary depending on need.*

If you’re interested in volunteering, please contact Kenji Maeda at
Please indicate your full name, email, phone numbers, availability (dates & times), and preferred position.

EDIT: My friends at Felix Culpa are also looking for volunteers! And if you (meaning anybody reading this) are looking to volunteer on the 12th or the 20th, contact him at david at

Spectaculous! Ridonkeykong!

Kevin says:

The only thing I can claim is being proud of knowing many of the people who had been working on it for months. That and scavenging a number of the major props which are currently sitting in Theory Labs or are being built into my new bedroom… The wall they stand against at the end? Now behind my bed… Not sure what to do with the air cannons but I’m sure we can find a use for them if we just apply ourselves…

So… Behold OK GO’s new video and the Rube Goldberg machine that all of our friends have worked on…

OK Go – This Too Shall Pass – RGM version

The Making Of: Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV. Also, for the same song, the Marching Band video.