St. Jude is dead!!,1282,59711,00.html
02:00 AM Jul. 22, 2003 PT
If there is a heaven, the angels are in for a hell of a time when Jude Milhon, the Internet’s real and very earthy patron saint of hacking, shows up.
Better known on the Internet by her nom de plume, St. Jude, Milhon died July 19 of cancer. Her age was an issue Milhon obviously decided not to address. Even her closest friends could only guess at it, and they admitted they could be off by as much as a decade.
St. Jude wasn’t your typical saint.
She was a staunch advocate of the joys of hacking, geek sex and a woman’s right to choose to use technology. She figured life was too short to waste worrying about what other people might think, and was also known for her very colorful way with the English language.
Back when the Internet was populated primarily by men, she encouraged and helped other women to get online.
“Girls need modems!” she said in a February 1995 Wired magazine interview.
“She certainly was an icon of the infancy of the wired generation,” said security consultant Robert Ferrell. “We wouldn’t be what we are without her, and for that, if for no other reason, she will be sorely missed.”
Milhon also believed in learning how to hack “as a martial art — a way of defending against politically correct politicians, overly intrusive laws, bigots and narrow-minded people of all persuasions,” according to an e-mail she sent to this reporter in September 1999.
And she particularly wanted to introduce women to the joys of hacking.
“Women may not be great at physical altercations, but we sure excel at rapid-fire keyboarding,” Milton wrote in that September e-mail.
“We should look at the Internet as the life-skills school so many of us girls never attended, and get out there and learn to conquer our fears of not being nice enough, not being polite enough, not being strong enough, not being pretty enough, or smart enough or anything enough.”
Her definition of hacking — “the clever circumvention of imposed limits, whether imposed by your government, your own skills or the laws of physics” — has been widely quoted in many news stories and magazine articles.
Milhon may be most heralded, at least among technically inclined women, for her guidebook to “real-time nonvirtual sex.”
Written for girl geeks, Hacking the Wetware: The NerdGirl’s Pillow Book was a guide intended to turn women into happy hackers by demystifying the workings of both the body and the brain.
“While luring you with sex, (this book) is subtly training you to think like a hacker. You think, therefore you hack … it’s a become-it-yourself guide,” Milhon said in an e-mail describing the book’s “hidden agenda.”
The original version of Wetware was released on the Internet in the spring of 1994. Milhon later reissued it, again on the Net, under a new title: The Joy of Hacker Sex.
“St. Jude taught me that it isn’t necessary to have big boobs to be a sex goddess. All you really need is a big brain and the right attitude,” said Unix programmer Nadine Ulmer.
Milhon is also the author of The Cyberpunk Handbook and How to Mutate and Take Over the World. The latter book was co-authored with R.U. Sirius, co-founder and former editor of tech culture magazine Mondo 2000, where Milhon was a senior editor.
Milhon began programming in 1967 for the Horn and Hardart automats in Manhattan, after reading the book Teach Yourself Fortran. She was a founding member of Cypherpunks, a loosely organized group of digital privacy advocates (Milhon also coined the name Cypherpunk) and was a member of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility — a group that she cheerfully described as a “lefto-revolutionist programming commune.”
CPSR formed the Community Memory Project in 1973, widely believed to be the very first public online computer system.
….I’m crying…..
Does anyone know where to get small strips of bamboo? I have some, but I’m wondering if I have enough to make a gaggle of lanterns.
I realized the other day just how far away I have become from the person I used to be. The other day, I had a momentary flash – I’m older now, I have now hung up my underwear to dry in the bathroom.
M’love and I went out yesterday. We went to the Flea Market. A red warehouse full of things that weren’t interesting enough to ask after. A sad sorry look at our consumer culture. He walked away with music, Lina Lovitch, and a Gowan, as self amusement. I staggered away with a gothic monstrosity. Pedestal, painted silver, with three gargoyles. Speak Evil, Hear Evil, See Evil. 50c = 3 pounds worth of clay and silver paint.
This week I houseclean. It’s difficult with no hot water, and things tend to pile up. Still, there are things to hang up, and things to be put on shelves, and things to be organized to leave the house. Sold, bartered, tossed. Whichever seems best. Already there is a box in the livingroom fll of barbie dolls and toys. Fantasy books that were left on my doorstep and comicbooks dirt cheap.
Unexpected people are planning on appearing at the party this weekend. Drifting into people on Commercial Drive. My ghodmum, and her boy.
Unusual gifts, these people.
“I’m not a fig plucker, but a fig pluckers son, and we’ll all plck figs until the fig plucking’s done”.
We also ran into a David Bloom, and an Andrew, of The Hill and Biffy Perdu. I walked away from thier concert last night with a tiny pin, and an e-mail address of someone named Black. I should tend to my collection of people without names. They are fading away from me like dreams into morning.
Last night, someone stared at me from thier car as I stood at the busstop. He sparked conversation between me and my love. “I don’t like being in the company of people who wonder if my lipstick matches thier cock”, then I took satisfaction in naming names.
If Skankboy and I meet, we will explode and take you with us
Pool BBQ Lantern Making Illuminaries Party!!
Saturday, the 26th from 2pm onwards @ my place
– e-mail me for my addy & directions if you don’t have them
BYO : bathingsuit, towels, friends, meatthings, (we’ll cook), & booze if you really want any.
Why : We’ve got a 6 ft. Kiddie pool and, (temporarily), a really good BBQ, (it’s Rays), and because it’s summer and we should have at least ONE party dammit!
Disclaimer: I am fully aware that Illuminaries was somewhat pathetic last year. I had, in fact, completely forgotten it’s existance. It took a wonderful poet of a tomato-thief gentleman to remind me of the fun. Silly me. I apparently make more of an impression on people than I am aware of. So!
Illuminaires!! Come one! Come all! See weaving serpents, birds in flight, planets in orbit, schools of fish, and creatures of the imagination, glowing and shimmering with music, fire sculptures, torch choreography and a fireworks finale…
Join us July 26, 2003.
Added bonus – I have all the materials we’ll need to make our own little lanterns
I am fully aware that Illuminaries was somewhat pathetic last year. I had, in fact, completely forgotten it’s existance. It took a wonderful poet of a tomato-thief gentleman to remind me. Silly me. I apparently make more of an impression on people than I am aware of. So!
Illuminaires!! Come one! Come all! See weaving serpents, birds in flight, planets in orbit, schools of fish, and creatures of the imagination, glowing and shimmering with music, fire sculptures, torch choreography and a fireworks finale… Join us July 26, 2003.
We’ll go from the pool party to the park!
Added bonus – I have all the materials we’ll need to make our own little lanterns, (excepting tealights. If anyone knows a good, cheap place to buy a bag of them, either tell me or bring them).
Wieghing the Scales
“Back in my day, we had it all set up. You lined up when you died, and you’d answer for your evil deeds and for your good deeds, and if your evil deeds outweighed a feather, we’d feed your soul and your heart to Ammet, the Eater of Souls.”
“He must have eaten a lot of people.”
“Not as many as you’d think. It was a really heavy feather. We had it made special. You had to be pretty damn evil to tip the scales on that baby.”
excerpt from American Gods by Neil Gaimen
I’ll be YOUR Nightmare any Night
Unsuspecting Nightmare
What sort of Nightmare are you?
brought to you by Quizilla
Pool Party!!
When: the weekend of the 25th – either Friday or Saturday. Whichever is better for the most people. So tell me when!
Where: my place – e-mail me for my addy & directions if you don’t have them
Why : We’ve got a 6 ft. Kidde pool and, (temporarily), a really good BBQ, (it’s Rays), and because it’s summer and we should have at least ONE party dammit!
BYO : bathingsuit, friends, meatthings, (we’ll cook), and booze if you really want any.
So remember! Tell me which you’d rather! Friday or Saturday!
I’m tallying the preferences before I send out invites!