- Mon, 19:15: RT @curlycomedy: You say potato, I say patutu. You say tomato, I say timeety. Potato! Piranha! Tomato! Flaborgen! Let’s get me to the hospi…
- Tue, 06:25: #ferret #cat truce #fuckyeah! #selenium and #tanith have curled up together to sleep on my feet! http://t.co/yG26KjIU1u
- Tue, 06:25: Photo: #ferret #cat truce #fuckyeah! #selenium and #tanith have curled up together to sleep on my feet! http://t.co/ImaXw9xoqR
My tweets
- Mon, 04:49: SUPERVICTORY! Behold! a breakthrough in #ferret #cat relations! Their first independent snuggle.… http://t.co/Dl7At6wiFZ
- Mon, 04:49: Photo: SUPERVICTORY! Behold! a breakthrough in #ferret #cat relations! Their first independent snuggle…. http://t.co/Wh5PgQMQ6j
- Mon, 04:50: cwemyss’s photo http://t.co/Qj8I2YVvLT
- Mon, 04:56: RT @Theremina: For Sale: Spacious Hand-Carved Cave Cathedral http://t.co/Gx4u6LSpZP
- Mon, 04:56: RT @cqwww: oh look, here comes my book on weaponized surveillance drones from Amazon… oh no wait, that is a weaponized surveillance drone.
- Mon, 05:13: RT @blowdart: The days I don’t get @xkcd I feel I’m missing some nerdy thing I should know. The days I don’t get @Explosm I feel like I’m a…
- Mon, 06:10: With Andrew gone, it’s time to pick up the slack he’s left behind. http://t.co/nTTiL3HvCB
With Andrew gone, it’s time to pick up the slack he’s left behind.
by Czeslaw Milosz
—When I die, I will see the lining of the world.
The other side, beyond bird, mountain, sunset.
The true meaning, ready to be decoded.
What never added up will add up,
What was incomprehensible will be comprehended.
—And if there is no lining to the world?
If a thrush on a branch is not a sign,
But just a thrush on the branch? If night and day
Make no sense following each other?
And on this earth there is nothing except this earth?
—Even if that is so, there will remain
A word wakened by lips that perish,
A tireless messenger who runs and runs
Through interstellar fields, through the revolving galaxies,
And calls out, protests, screams.
Andrew was barely in his forties, an acting father of three, a husband, a lover, and, as he would say, “all of the things”! Essential to at least three of my neighborhood’s core communities, he was a precious friend I never imagined doing without. He fell suddenly, an aneurysm or a stroke, the sort of death that unfurls its red flag without warning. I could list facts: his love of pirate clothing, his irrepressible fever for wordplay, his drawings, his games, the entire shelf of books on Rome that served as the incubator for a project that will never blossom from its imaginary blueprint seed. None of it will properly convey who he was, what sort of life he created to inhabit and to share, so the narrative that I have decided upon is to declare him the laughing buddha, the zen creature without public ego who didn’t give in to the idea that we should care what strangers think of us. Monks in saffron robes suffer on mountain tops while he found illumination in the way dice moved over a table, the way foam wrapped sticks bounced off other foam wrapped sticks, and a thousand other nerdy occupations I have never really understood but didn’t need to in order to appreciate him and his glee. We bonded over shiny things, science, dancing, and the regular delights of mangled days. All of that, years of it, but I cannot convey the map of his nation’s borders. He was smart and he was good and we miss him. Everything else is set dressing.
It doesn’t seem so long ago since I last ran into him on Commercial Drive, floppy hat, massive cloak, somewhere probably a drum. The man wore tutus and face-paint as commonly as other people wear socks. He was easy to spot. Was, not is. I write that word and lose my courage. It doesn’t seem long because it wasn’t, yet it will never happen again.
I offered to take his picture before he was cremated, something for the family, something for us, an image to represent the man we all loved. I didn’t even think about it, it was as natural as offering my hand to someone sitting on the ground, and his widow said yes and thank you and we agreed. This left me standing by his coffin at the crematorium two hours before the service, my friend Jay acting as a driver and a voice activated light stand, kit in hand and a bag full of expensive lenses I had never used before.
Though it was surreal, I was fine until I bumped the coffin, reflexively apologizing to his cold face, and when I touched him, brushing hair to cover some of the bruising that the make-up didn’t cover. Excepting those moments, I had a skill set to wield, he could have been made of spring flowers, a still life empty of residual heat. He has too obviously absent, an unmanned puppet, only a former body of work, still bones, still skin. An object encased in love and lighting problems to solve.
Fast forward, I stood with his family, perhaps the only one present who wasn’t tied to him through marriage or blood, the last of the last, in the final moments before he was taken away and sublimated into shimmering air molecules and carbon. Tillie couldn’t be there, but AJ read out a note from her, a prayer for the living who stood in a circle around Andrew’s abandoned body. I watched everyone, I watched and I ached and part of me died, and I made my own strident promises: May we remember this and resolve not to let it go. May we forever refuse to stand still.
My tweets
- Sun, 04:04: I’m at The Cultch http://t.co/myoEcbzrjq
My tweets
- Fri, 20:50: We has drawer #ferret! It’s #pepper‘s favoured hidey-sleep. #whywearesellingfurniture http://t.co/4e0kZE40qf
- Fri, 20:50: Photo: We has drawer #ferret! It’s #pepper’s favoured hidey-sleep. #whywearesellingfurniture http://t.co/WySVkhzPsi
- Fri, 22:13: Ordering the McDecimation of Cultural Diversity. @ Slickity Jim’s http://t.co/3G4H9B0Ged
- Fri, 22:13: Photo: Ordering the McDecimation of Cultural Diversity. (at Slickity Jim’s) http://t.co/ilJFJMfhd7
- Sat, 10:05: Leah has a #jewish stove. #iamsoconfused #sabbath http://t.co/CUsUJCOlyH
- Sat, 10:05: Photo: Leah has a #jewish stove. #iamsoconfused #sabbath http://t.co/9HUAxCfjLv
My tweets
- Fri, 06:04: #graffiti #signs @ Commercial Drive http://t.co/m3Q6iqH8YG
- Fri, 06:04: Photo: #graffiti #signs (at Commercial Drive) http://t.co/V3ue11FqaD
- Fri, 06:11: #filmset on #thedrive turns night to false day @ Commercial Drive http://t.co/3dv9XnQpN8
- Fri, 06:11: Photo: #filmset on #thedrive turns night to false day (at Commercial Drive) http://t.co/XtmSowOkjx
My tweets
- Wed, 19:56: #Newgen team appreciation lunch feast. @ NewGen Technologies http://t.co/SiWP9rWzyX
- Wed, 19:56: Photo: #Newgen team appreciation lunch feast. (at NewGen Technologies) http://t.co/J2ONbL39eh
My tweets
- Tue, 16:16: #commuting http://t.co/EFG9WpfDpN
- Tue, 16:16: Photo: #commuting http://t.co/QWvldPtMBP
- Tue, 16:20: #thebridge #commuting @ Alex Fraser Bridge http://t.co/578ivSwJ8H
- Tue, 16:20: Photo: #thebridge #commuting (at Alex Fraser Bridge) http://t.co/Of7eqvKzRb
- Tue, 21:55: the beginnings of failure finished stories (think that you are capable of more than you believe.) http://t.co/6Ke2KOWXxy
- Tue, 23:19: Giving a great kickstarter a bump! http://t.co/Xrq8qzg1gY
the beginnings of failure finished stories (think that you are capable of more than you believe.)
Once upon a time laying awake, laying together, the chance is there, the thought, the idea. She leans over, up on one elbow, any audience would understand this gesture. Next is the kiss, the closed eyes, the heavier heartbeat. Instead, the moment, ready, pared of seconds, is interrupted. “Did I ever tell you about my screenplays?” She falls back down on the bed, body convulsing with laughter. He looks offended. She gasps, catching her voice in tiny snatches, “You have to be kidding!”
Another time, another story. She sits in the bleachers of a damp arena. One of her favourite bands is on stage, “We’re half awake in a fake empire.” Everyone sings along. Earlier she recorded a video of their best love song on her phone. She ended by turning the camera around and blowing a kiss. She would send it to someone but it’s too big for a text and she doesn’t have his e-mail address.
Another man, a different story. “I never got to finish the story about how I lost my virginity! So there I was in those chunky heels and I blew a guy. Didn’t do it for me. That’s when I figured, there’s something missing. This isn’t what I’m into. Definitely need to have a vagina involved. But anyway, that’s how Anne Rice made me think I might be gay.”
The music continues, beautiful, deeply melodic, rushing in bursts if drum roll and guitar solos, the singers voice woven like brocade into the horn section. She admires their lighting, their glitchy graphic video accompaniment, their stagecraft, their everything. The compositions are flawless and they choose excellent designers for everything else. A mental note: to find out who later. Every good artist is worth following up.
None of this is linear. This story only holds together by one thread. They sit in a restaurant in Whistler, exquisite, bracketed by alcohol and discussions about religion. His eyes are strikingly beautiful, huge and blue. “I saved up all year for this dinner,” he confesses. Unsaid, to keep it off the books of his government. In his wallet are a collection of commemorative prayer tracts from the annual pilgrimages his family arranges and attends.
Later, the same week as the concert, she’s upstairs in a velvet and brass lined restaurant in Yaletown at a Women in Communications networking event. Tucked near the back, typing again on the phone, she hasn’t been in a room of this many women since grade school gym class. It feels odd, but sweet. Another mental note: She should have more business cards made.
They hold hands as he walks her home in the rain. “Who are you?” He asks, baffled. She explains about the social event horizon. She explains about similar orbits on opposite sides of the same metaphorical sun. Her free hand traces ideas in the air. Socioeconomics. She is already wearing both his sweater and his coat. Something here feels destined but she hasn’t yet pinned down what. He asks again, ablaze with wonder, “All of that is brilliant, but who are you really?”
The woman on the panel up front is explaining how to use social media. The specific key seems to be making it easy to make people to help you. Know what you want, learn what you can, and remember you don’t know what you don’t know. All of the advice seems sound. The only moment she’s uncomfortable is when she notices a peculiar detail: how the women present unconsciously arranged themselves when they sat. Except for the latecomers, everyone is grouped by the colour of their hair.
Those eyes, those hands, the catch in his body that’s blessedly shaped like her name. Inside the moment, can you know? Can it be identified? Or is your perspective too close? I cannot remember. It might be artifice. Is it unreal, a fiction built into solidity by narrative later? Retconned into the shape of relationship. Perhaps it is only in hindsight we think – that might have been it, in another universe of possibility, if things had gone differently, if he had, if she had, if the, if: that’s when I first fell in love, that’s when I knew.
My tweets
- Fri, 22:06: I’m at Elizabeth’s Bakery (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/UIC2wgWVEF
- Fri, 22:14: I’m at Turk’s on The Drive (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/jTY2hAc6sR
- Fri, 22:35: #weareeastvan @ Commercial Drive http://t.co/a7xh4nSxcq
- Fri, 22:35: Photo: #weareeastvan (at Commercial Drive) http://t.co/oGfgKE5dsN
- Fri, 23:05: Sharin’ the #kitten love. #weareeastvan @ Turk’s on The Drive http://t.co/1W6SPXBWPg
- Fri, 23:05: Photo: Sharin’ the #kitten love. #weareeastvan (at Turk’s on The Drive) http://t.co/zhyhryeaig
- Sat, 01:14: I’m at The Mergatroid http://t.co/11nQGvY4HL
- Sat, 02:21: Art Crawl! (@ 1000 Parker St Studios) http://t.co/E8oGbpsBLB
- Sat, 06:48: I’m at Pho Hoa (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/9Rlxy4IMhZ
- Sat, 09:20: “You can order an entire surprise three course meal.” @ Dark Table: http://t.co/r1uIVq7pNW #foursquare