- Sun, 22:53: Lukasz scored the holy trifecta: a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. #photographerselfie… http://t.co/bH9ScuXtNf
- Sun, 22:53: Photo: Lukasz scored the holy trifecta: a blonde, a brunette, and a redhead. #photographerselfie… http://t.co/sBYlOodjBz
- Mon, 01:12: I’m at True Confections (Vancouver, Canada) http://t.co/GB9JJrsHiB
My tweets
- Sun, 04:02: Ingredients: […] blueberry compote, soda, angst, sparkles […] ginger beer, lime, pegasus blood,… http://t.co/v2wkT8Gg7g
- Sun, 04:02: Photo: Ingredients: […] blueberry compote, soda, angst, sparkles […] ginger beer, lime, pegasus blood,… http://t.co/KE4UYFfz1w
My tweets
- Thu, 15:59: RT @Asher_Wolf: Pirate Bay Founder Held in Solitary Confinement Without a Warrant http://t.co/3DMLmWPc69 #Anakata
- Thu, 15:59: RT @Asher_Wolf: To write to #Anakata, mail letters to: Gottfrid Svartholm Warg, 171084 Att: Jens Jørgensen Politigården 1567 København V D…
- Thu, 23:04: The #newgen office had the jewish girl put the #christmas trees and decoration up. 2 hours later: I am… http://t.co/To3CEi0r5n
- Thu, 23:04: Photo: The #newgen office had the jewish girl put the #christmas trees and decoration up. 2 hours later: I… http://t.co/gQ0LuRuamC
- Fri, 01:39: RT @gasmanic: Quantum Leap, episode 273: Sam leaps into the body of a sign language interpreter at Mandela’s memorial. “Oh boy.”
- Fri, 03:37: RT @warandpeace: Gen Ip’s ‘Filmography 2013’ is the only film retrospective you need to see – http://t.co/3Ve0n2SyXA (via @Foxtongue)
My tweets
- Thu, 06:10: #gamelan #rehearsal #ubc @ UBC Asian Centre http://t.co/w5xLZq6vJL
- Thu, 06:10: Photo: #gamelan #rehearsal #ubc (at UBC Asian Centre) http://t.co/0MQW1q1xDf
My tweets
- Wed, 03:27: #selenium is #helping me with home repair. #ferret http://t.co/4Wqpw6DHKI
- Wed, 03:27: Photo: #selenium is #helping me with home repair. #ferret http://t.co/jCe23c5OGn
- Wed, 06:23: Well that’s #upsetting. #sexism #confectionary @ Shoppers Drug Mart http://t.co/Xi6fofKxbg
- Wed, 06:23: Photo: Well that’s #upsetting. #sexism #confectionary (at Shoppers Drug Mart) http://t.co/sVv2lY1m1H
My tweets
- Sun, 20:10: I’m at @Deacons_Corner (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/VOtOOSt1SM
- Sun, 20:25: #breakfast #diner #rules @ Deacon’s Corner http://t.co/VdFAGyHicK
- Sun, 20:25: Photo: #breakfast #diner #rules (at Deacon’s Corner) http://t.co/ohOJbM0ORq
- Sun, 21:26: I’m at Railtown (Vancouver, BC) [pic]: http://t.co/vtBIcvhwC9
- Mon, 03:13: Found the #ferrets asleep in my #bedroom hardware drawer. Yes, those are 3 1/2″ floppies. What of it? http://t.co/MxDxqbFfsh
- Mon, 03:13: Photo: Found the #ferrets asleep in my #bedroom hardware drawer. Yes, those are 3 1/2” floppies. What of… http://t.co/av7vVH3MMi
My tweets
- Sat, 22:56: I’m at The Gourmet Warehouse (Vancouver, Canada) http://t.co/xUFRoFvE5V
- Sat, 23:24: Even baby #george has taken up #twerking. When will the madness end? http://t.co/LyuznjjjXW
- Sat, 23:24: Photo: Even baby #george has taken up #twerking. When will the madness end? http://t.co/c7OB1VLm1Y
My tweets
- Fri, 03:13: I’m at Tangent Cafe (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/dfE1qmdEUF
My tweets
- Wed, 22:08: RT @TorontoStar: #Breaking Crack video motive for Anthony Smith murder, police told. More to come.
- Wed, 23:51: collaterlysisters: im watching sleepy hollow and imagining the giant cursed ent-thing bellowing big stupid… http://t.co/q3cqeTmRtP
- Thu, 03:02: Sound check. (@ Unitarian Church Of Vancouver) [pic]: http://t.co/LLabx4HFqd
My tweets
- Wed, 05:24: Those nachoes. (@ St. Augustine’s Craft Brew House & Kitchen – @staugustinesvan w/ 5 others) http://t.co/XekGXP1JU8