Loverly Weekend

M’Love and I finally had some time off to be together. Both shows have gone out the door and farther, to the Winnipeggy Fringe. Thank the ghods they’ve left!

Saturday was declared a no-demands zone. None at all, about anything. Music was made and plans were set in malleable flesh.

Stone was not welcome. It had been rude at the door.

We wended our way to the shops eventually, needing some things not in the house. Dallying became pastime and treasures were found in unlikely places.

We brought home
a found bag of pictureframes, golden and red with silver,
(so many we haven’t the pictures yet to fill them)
a cooking pot, brown glass and welcomed
a box of plastic boxes, spelling doomsandwiches and middle-age,
(next we’ll crave children, to go with the tupperware)
cards with questions, Vancouver related
(“Socrates drank it and died – we named a street after it. Which one?)
another game, this of pool, with cues the size to eat rice with
(the balls are tiny and surprisingly dense)
a costume, of red shimmer – full skirted and beautiful – for love lingering
(and bellydancing)

The sari I am thinking to wear till it falls, dead, in shreds at my feet, like skin, discarded.

Sasquatch Hunter

My friends are releasing thier new mockumentary “The Sasquatch Hunter” Tuesday evening at Pacific Cinematheque. Thats July 15th. Doors open at 7:00 PM and the screening starts at 7:30. The screening is private, but please bring as many guests as you would like. There will be a charge of $4 at the door, and there will be a reception with a bar (cheap $) before and after the show.
There have also been arrangements made to continue festivities at Panama Jack’s across the street.

Please wear a costume or come full-on formal—we’re playing up the “Premiere” thing.

Press Release

Sasquatch sighting on Howe Street !!!!!

News last month that the inimitable Sasquatch had raised his shaggy head on the Island in Duncan is small potatoes in comparison to his next appearance.
The buzz about Vancouver is that he will actually be IN TOWN for the premiere screening this Tuesday night of the new blockbuster documentary “The Sasquatch Hunter”, starring Tim von Boetticher, Peter Gross, and Elle von Boetticher. Sasquatch played a small, yet integral role in the production, and the producers had to grease a lot of wheels to make his participation possible. But their perseverance paid off in what the insiders are claiming may be this season’s repeat of the Blair Witch phenomenon.

Film Synopsis

“The Sasquatch Hunter” is a documentary/comedy that details the story of a redneck self-proclaimed Sasquatch expert and his loopy, spaced out wife (June) as they explore the darkest reaches of the Pacific rain forest in search of the elusive Sasquatch or “Big Foot”.

The Sasquatch Hunter, with his wife in tow, finds numerous clues leading him to believe a real Sasquatch is close at hand. Believing he can lure the Sasquatch into a trap by using musical instruments, he prepares a series of encounters only to be foiled each time. However, as the couple descend deeper and deeper into the forest on their quest, June undergoes a psychedelic ‘vision’ that changes their situation and sets the stage for a surprise ending that will have you fit to be tied, provided you are already
loosely tied to begin with.

“The Sasquatch Hunter” is the first production of Bee Movie Productions ( and the result of the collective, slightly deranged efforts of film makers Tim and Elle Von Boetticher and Peter Gross. It was filmed entirely on location in the Pacific Northwest rain forest (Lions Bay) and features a series of kooky and unexpected characters such as “The world’s most unsuccessful Bono Impersonator” and the highly eccentric
Elbonian film maker “Jost Von Dyke”. “The Sasquatch Hunter” is a
light-hearted comedy that will leave you wanting more, partly because it’s short.

Asleep, My Love

I dream of your hands. Licking your fingers and palms, smoothness gliding inside of me, teasing. I dream of you, with me breathing. Your hardness against my softness; your solidity immersed in my fluid. Softly, softly, rocking together. Dappled sunlight dreaming of you golden. Cannot remember you never not knowing me. Inside. Tasting your strawberry tongue, your cherry lips and your caramel words. Sighing. Love you so much. Needing. Colour flashing through my closed eyes to blind you with their resonance – quicksilver. Me, moon, transmuting your brilliance to create my own soft light, like blood. Emerald shouting beauty for me alone – halos – your eyes – ringed with gold. Drowning.

cool sweet blue

We have a pool!

A bright, happy kinderpool filled with sweet clear water. It is 6 feet in diameter and covered with rainbow pride fishies. The rainbow pride fishies make me happy. The sun beats on our deck and heats it with burning rays, by 4 o’clock it should be solarkissed and perfect. I kid that we should add the pools exisistance to our roomaie ad.

Anyone want to come play?

Sliding Images

I’m stuck downloading images to be turned into slides at someone’s house. Gah. Been here all day. It would have been so nice to go to a picnic instead. The only good thing so far has been the playlist on the itunes thingie I found. Now I’ve a bunch of music to go and try to download when I’m home from the playlist. *grins*

facing the music

eroticizing wrongfully

I came across this article whilst wandering and I post it here becase of the content related to the over eroticizing of children that it permeating our present culture. I believe that societies obsession with stamping out child pornography and related has created and is further creating an unhealthy obsession of the child as a sexual being.

She, the author of this article, has clearer words than I on this all too disturbing subject.

they tore down my childhood home

Yesterday I finally had a chance to go see for myself where the old house used to be. They tore it down on Saturday and now all left is a hole in the ground. Not a stone of the house remained. I feel somehow that I’m less of a person because I’m not sad that it’s gone, that I’m only disapointed that I didn’t get to watch the wreckers crush it into the ground. My best friend was there to see them destroy it and she said she cried – thinking about the years, her childhood, she/we had spent there. I cannot seem to care about it. No tears inside me anywhere. I have looked. I have scoured the little looked corners of my nostalgia and have found nothing.

Is there something wrong with me?


Here I am, just another among, I’m sure, thousands who have been posting about the announcement of our “winning” the 2010 Olympic bid. Another voice drowned in many. I’m sure I repeat others unknowingly. Perhaps I should go read what others have to say first…? Nah.

It worries me that the most heavily regulated city in Canada is going to be hosting such a large scale event. (We couldn’t even have Canada Day fireworks because of non-existant “safety issues”). Plus – since Expo, we have the highest cost of living in Canada! Wasn’t it estimated that everything went up roughly $400/month from that? After that, not only did prices continue at thier inflated level, there was an employment crash and mass exodus. Sure, we got the skytrain, but so? We have a train that goes to nowhere and circles back again and dies when we have more than four inches of snow. Our transit system overall is pathetic! Not to mention our health-care and artist cuts.

I think it unlikely that any of the money put forward for the Olympics will benifit Vancouver in any long-term way. I feel that it would be so much more worthwhile for the city to put money into programs that would benifit us locally. There should be a push to support our CITY and not our image. We have an image already. NoFunCity, remember? Let’s change that before we start putting highways in watersheds!