dine out vancouver

I’m going through the listings of Dine Out Vancouver. http://www.tourism-vancouver.org/docs/visit/dineout/ I’ve wanted to do it since I found out about it and it looks like I have a chance this year. I’d like to take as much advantage of it as possible, but I don’t think I’m going to be able to do much with the joblack cutting into my blood. Unfortunate, because I can barely think of a more pleasant thing to do with good friends than happily consume nummy posh vancouver food for cheap.

M’Love’s birthday is also coming up. He’s going to be a anumber I don’t wish to contemplate, but I’d like to make it special. I’m hoping I can save $80 and surprise him with a delectable evening.

jobhunt of january

I’m wandering about on-line, searching for someone who needs me. It’s seeming so futile that I can’t imagine how people find potential mates this way.

NEW AD – Help Wanted (01/15/04)
MILLIONAIRE MINDED? Local semi-retired millionaire looking for 2 key people to teach business to. Ph 1-877-347-2432

Nope – they can’t be wanting me. I think of the lottery is another tax. *sighs* It’s sunny outside. Liquid heat pouring through the windows. Bright and eyefilling. I considered writing about past amours today but decide the list is too wretched a thing to think about on a lovely day like this. Dammit Gavin – why can’t I remember your last name?

Help Wanted (01/09/04)
Graveyard Receptionist wanted. Must be reliable, responsible & organized. Duties incl. answering ph, data entry, booking appts & record keeping. N/s. Fax resume: Jet Set Escort

This one though – I could do that. I’m not againt the oldest proffession. I can type, take phonecalls and Graveyard is my favorite. Finally I could answer when I’m asked if I know any pretty single women. “Could I set you up with any? Sure! Claire only charges $35/hour – could you handle that??”


blah – circumstancea have been chaging my plans and changing my plans and changing my plans and etcetera until it’s too late for half of them. *sighs* I did terribly want to spend time with james today, I feel as if I’ve been neglecting everyone horribly.


Whee-hoo. I just went through my new heap of patterns. I could maybe afford to actually make myself a cloak sometime in the next 6 months. yay.

Course, as it looks like we’re going to have to boot the newest roomate for not covering his rent… *sighs* I dearly hope I get hired somewhere asap. Rumour says VanCity is hiring, but I’m going to have to seriously brush up on Excel and Microsoft Office like now. Won’t be too bad though. I hope I get it.

Wish me luck peoples, and happy new year!