- Wed, 21:55: All Hallows http://t.co/eHOMhWGO
Author: foxtongue
All Hallows
Rot from Erica Luke.
My tweets
- Tue, 19:38: RT @PANYNJ: Flood waters rush in to the Hoboken PATH station through an elevator shaft. #Sandy http://t.co/QosgFyOI
- Wed, 03:04: RT @GreenSoul_Al: Looks like Long Island City in Queens, NY http://t.co/QjcGOztN
- Wed, 03:04: RT @inflatemouse: I hate Hipsters: their smug faces, their vegan diets, their tiny feet, their sawdust bedding. No, wait, hamsters. I ha …
- Wed, 06:17: RT @AnthonyQuintano: Reflection of One World Trade in flooding on West St. last night http://t.co/FejnrLOU #Sandy #NYC
My tweets
- Mon, 20:11: RT @warrenellis: Hello Sandy. http://t.co/oVUKNTaU
- Tue, 02:19: sitting as bad for the body as smoking http://t.co/3DpQdTdS
sitting as bad for the body as smoking
Via JWZ:
Every single hour of television watched after the age of 25 reduces the viewer's life expectancy by 21.8 minutes.
By comparison, smoking a single cigarette reduces life expectancy by about 11 minutes, the authors said.
Looking more broadly, they concluded that an adult who spends an average of six hours a day watching TV over the course of a lifetime can expect to live 4.8 years fewer than a person who does not watch TV.
Those results hold true, the authors point out, even for people who exercise regularly. It appears, Dr. Veerman says, that "a person who does a lot of exercise but watches six hours of TV" every night "might have a similar mortality risk as someone who does not exercise and watches no TV." […]
Why a seemingly blameless activity like sitting should be detrimental to health, even for those of us who work out, is not fully understood, although it is assiduously being studied at many labs.
One partial explanation, however, is obvious. "The most striking feature of prolonged sitting is the absence of skeletal muscle contractions, particularly in the very large muscles of the lower limbs," says David W. Dunstan, a professor at the Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute in Australia, senior author of the Australian study, and a pioneer in the study of sedentary behavior.
When muscles don't contract, they require less fuel, and the surplus, in the form of blood sugar, accumulates in the bloodstream, contributing to diabetes risk and other health concerns.
my mechanisms are not your mechanisms and always vice versa
“One thing you who had secure or happy childhoods should understand about those of us who did not. We who control our feelings, who avoid conflicts at all costs, or seem to seek them. Who are hypersensitive, self-critical, compulsive, workaholic, and above all survivors. We are not that way from perversity, and we cannot just relax and let it go. We’ve learned to cope in ways you never had to.” – Piers Anthony
My tweets
- Wed, 18:54: RT @becca_darling: a boy in FL has been charged with misusing the 911 system after allegedly calling police to tell them his dream. isn’ …
- Wed, 18:57: RT @jeffnoon: My tongue prods at my teeth. A word is stuck between left-side molar and wisdom, and nothing will dislodge it. I need to v …
- Thu, 02:33: We spied a curious-looking nestbox with an inscription that read “Tweet & ye shall be re-tweeted”. #sworcery
- Thu, 21:52: Omw home after a job interview to call back a recruiter. #betterdaythanyesterday #theremayberedbootsinmyfuture
- Thu, 22:24: Just saved a blind guy from going under a car. Found him his bus and a seat, too. #todaysgooddeed
My tweets
- Wed, 08:11: Our research indicates that social support networks will play a significant positive role in the outcome of S:S&S EP. #sworcery
My tweets
- Mon, 21:21: imperfectwriting: I went to the mall, and a little girl called me a terrorist. My name is Ela. I am seventee… http://t.co/RRkWFDB1
- Mon, 21:26: TSA Removes X-Ray Body Scanners From Major Airports http://t.co/obD9Xno3
- Tue, 01:45: OK. This debate just got satisfying. Obama just sunk Romney’s battleship. #debate
- Tue, 01:46: RT @ebertchicago: Obama zinger: “We have these things called aircraft carriers and ships that go under the water, called submarines.” #d …
- Tue, 01:46: RT @maureenjohnson: Horses and bayonets. FANFIC TITLE SORTED. #debate
- Tue, 01:48: Hopefully Romney will bring back frock coats, too. #horsesandbayonets #debate
- Tue, 01:53: SOOON. http://t.co/e0GX5217 . Amirite? #debate
- Tue, 01:53: RT @donnatella_moss: “When I’m President…” A collective shudder runs through a thousand #debate watch parties.
- Tue, 01:54: RT @TheDailyEdge: Romney: “We cannot allow a religious nutcase to gain access to nuclear weapons. Unless it’s me. Ha ha” #debate
- Tue, 01:55: RT @KenHegan: Prediction: someone, somewhere, is making a bayonets meme now instead of watching Romney flame out under the hot stage lig …
My tweets
- Thu, 16:43: TODAY’S REQUIRED VIEWING http://t.co/DPSo0gYg
- Fri, 01:09: fernacular: Welcome to: If Male Superhero Costumes were Designed Like Female Superhero Costumes! Aaaaa I dunn… http://t.co/YJCID3yX
- Fri, 19:04: holdentumblr: The good student I love everything about this. http://t.co/6sDKOSpz
- Sat, 05:09: I just reached Level 2 of the “Warhol” badge on @foursquare. I’ve checked in at 5 different art galleries! http://t.co/6trPOHvF
- Mon, 17:51: 3liza: streetartsf: Two Points. Swampy. Special Delivery 2012, organized by Endless Canvas i love this tag.… http://t.co/xxuGG5NR
- Mon, 17:56: cavesoflilith: Chelsea Wolfe – ‘Flatlands’ | ♥ always Today’s beautiful music. http://t.co/Hzs9Wh7V
- Mon, 18:01: Sleek and Destroy: Wooden Lady Ada Pendant – Support the Ada Initiative – sleekanddestroy: Lady Ada is here! … http://t.co/9J0ORqaZ