the word a ball makes when they bounce back at you

Things have been different lately. I’ve been kissed.

Positive uncertainty seems the term of the day. Daylight shifting into night and back without sleep. It’s hard to think, to not try to think anything in particular. “this is what is expected of me” A little death.

Honesty is refreshing. Showers of letters, bathing in bright iridescence of  writ. The statement of intentions, worries and self frailty not hiding behind closed words. My appreciation for the fine arts is not waning, nor wanting. Thoughts pouring into my hands, claws deep into flesh.


the word a ball makes when they bounce back at you

Things have been different lately. I’ve been kissed.

Positive uncertainty seems the term of the day. Daylight shifting into night and back without sleep. It’s hard to think, to not try to think anything in particular. “this is what is expected of me” A little death.

Honesty is refreshing. Showers of letters, bathing in bright iridescence of  writ. The statement of intentions, worries and self frailty not hiding behind closed words. My appreciation for the fine arts is not waning, nor wanting. Thoughts pouring into my hands, claws deep into flesh.


Alex Fex

Jeff sent me a frightening link just now. I followed bits of the page around until I came across this: I am so shamed. The second set of Ninja Turtle Valentines? I got those when I was six, but I only had one friend, so I still have them. .


the lights have been off for an hour. last half of it has been spent thinking of things to write. stone having heard of the concept ‘yielding’ have decided to branch out into a new market – the futon. rather than in rest, time has also been spent trying to sneak quietly to the puter without waking adrian.  i think there may be an affinity here, this worries me. i’ve been very good at avoiding them, but not this one. two failed attempts he won’t remember in the morning. he sleepingly gave me a hug and a thank you for tucking him in and trapped me with his hands. mishka called this evening, still having boy troubles with her christian loveslave. i don’t ever recall her being rejected before. pity he said no – this would have been over by now.

in awe

Sophie is amazingly dedicated to the cake making. I bow down to her cakey skills.
Adrian is making cookies on his bed. Yes. ON the bed. With flour and bowls and cookie sheets and everything.

And I,
I am drying my underwear and socks in his bedroom window. I figure it will give Adrian a bit more geek cred. Not to mention the boiporn of him that I’ve been passing along to our friends on the net.