Which Survivor of the Impending Nuclear Apocalypse Are You?
A Rum and Monkey joint.
Author: foxtongue
monday morning
Today I begin work at the answering service. I’ll get dressed, brush my teeth and collect what I’ll think I might need for the day. I’ll think about visiting James, but will decide later. I’ll leave the apartment and maybe have to come back for something. The walk through the alleyway and across Kingsway will be warm in the sun, but I will be cold a litte. The breeze will catch my skirts and blow about my ankles. At the busloop, which will feel lonely, though full of people, I catch the 106 and pretend to know where I am going. I’ll get off and think breifly about stopping in the shop with the feathery window, but I won’t. I will walk to the place I am to be and walk slowly up the flat coloured stairs, then open the first door on the left. I will say Hello, and they will too.
chahut-chaos (“noise and chaos”)
Sunday events
Tomorrow is the Fools Parade.
Noon starting from the Aquatic Centre.
At seven there’s a gamelan perfomance inside Robson Square. Don’t be tricked, you must go INSIDE to get to the concert hall. Inside and downstairs.
I will try to bring the camera, but I wish I were in Toronto today.
post script for best friends
You would had been proud if you had been there. On the way out of the theatre, there was an open panel full of lit buttons. There were red ones and green ones and buttons the colour of custard, all with pictures or words like ALARM on them.
I pressed some.
boys:girls was creepy
We went to Hellboy and it was good. I knew nothing except that there were to be ninja cyborg nazis.
I was not disappointed by anything but the very ending, and for those who have not seen it, I shall say nothing except that the anti-clmax is ridiculous. Because that’s where it ends.
It was nice that I knew so many people there, but it’s bothering me unbelievably that I could not remember who the fellow was who sat in front of us. He knew me back, so I was not wrong in thinking we were in common, but oh the agony. Where from? I think James now in retrospect, but… Gah. It WAS a James. It was the fellow who hooked up with the hairless girly from the states…. *sighs* Why now do I know this?
everyone needs more happy
Happy Birthday
comeback beauty number three
Because if they can’t figure out how to spell it they can’t figure out how to make it non-toxic.
thanks to http://www.kibo.com/faq/ and Marlo
the city, one frame at a time
It’s so wonderful to see