Author: foxtongue
yo kidzworld frist day yo
Well – survived that. Seven hours of blathering hateful children….
My brain is drooling.
yesterday today and the likes of mensa failures
I feel invincible.
A million copies of Reality would not have made yesterday a different day. The curse is his. There is an aura that tells the world that he is thier friend. If they work together being nice to me, perhaps I’ll take my clothes off.
It’s tiring. I slept in the night, in the darkness my eyes closed and I dreamed.
Today is my frist day of work. I’m moderating a childrens website. It’s amazing that people would prey on such idiotchildren. Everyone signs on with names like Daddies*SEXXYgrrrrl and HotGuy55. It’s like kiddie AOLers in <3LUV.
the peeps report
off with her head
for memories sake: a great black bird
Today I’m wearing linen and raw silk. I’m going to meet Crow at our coffeeshop and when I see him I will kiss him.
for memories sake and that night in the bathtub where you wouldn’t look at me naked. for that day we spent laughing together and asked if we needed to kiss. for that time we spent awake until dawn and you were wanting and i gave you something else that was better. for the birds that were lost and buried in the backyard – yours and mine. ourselves, apart. for everything and the note i left you the night i stole your alcohol and left the note that changed your life. for knowing you for longer than they ever thought. for running my fingers through your hair and counting the silver. for hiding the silver with violet and standing up to me when i laughed. for being brave and asking me. for asking my blessings in the dark. for knowing your name when no-one else did. for secrets and love. for me.
I love when sci-fi happens.
I wonder if William Gibson has been informed…
Programmable matter. Atoms changing at the flick of a switch.