This creeps me out even more than this, and
this is pretty bad too, but none is even a smidgen as utterly awful as
“thanks” to
n: vb: the spice of imagination
This interest is a sign of how far Web media such as blogs have come in reshaping the data-collection habits of intelligence professionals and others, even with the knowledge that the accuracy of what’s reported in some blogs is questionable.
Still, a panel of folks who work in the U.S. intelligence field – some of them spies or former spies – discussed this month at a conference in Washington the idea of tracking blogs.
“News and intelligence is about listening with a critical ear, and blogs are just another conversation to listen to and evaluate. They also are closer to (some situations) and may serve as early alerts,” said Jock Gill, a former adviser on Internet media to President Clinton…
thanks to
My autoresponces can be terrible terrible things. I know I must be up early so tha I can get to
I’m tempted right now to go back to sleep, as I know what this will do to me later in the day, but then again, I’m deciding that perhaps I’ll try to stay up. Perhaps I’ll lie in bed reading for an hour, perhaps I’ll get ready then go back to bed, perhaps I’ll…
Being awake two extra hours is so very pointless. Does anyone else ever do this?
A system that projects light beams directly into the eye could change the way we see the world. US firm Microvision has developed a system that projects lasers onto the retina, allowing users to view images on top of their normal field of vision.
Anyone else thinking it’s about bloody time?
I’d forgotten how nice this is. Soothing and eloquent with no words or logic. You control a man who gently flies through the sky interacting with various surreal objects. Practically everything interacts in whimsical ways.
I’m caught in indesicion land again. It’s not even indecision, it’s the lonely factor again. I want to leave the house to go spend time with James, but I don’t want to walk alone to the Skytrain. It’s difficult to leave and more difficult to not turn back. Sort of an artificial agoraphobia built of living at that damned house and being alone all the time. I haven’t been drinking enough blood lately, I don’t have the reserves of empathy I need to function properly when other people aren’t around.
went out for confectionary with adrian & jeff last night. jeff noted that when i took a bite of my tiramisu cheesecake i went ‘bing!‘ ‘suddenly awake and aware and functioning’
Perhaps I need to get something like that and keep a little of it at home to bolster myself when I need to leave the house.
It’s a Victorian sex-ed manual. For children. Starring a monkey.
The Strangest Children’s Book of the 19th Century Teaches You the Facts of Life—Complete With Singing Vagina.
It is a truth universally acknowledged that Everything Is Funnier With Monkeys. If J. Fred Muggs, Lancelot Link, or zoo-house fecal tossing have taught us anything, it is that every human endeavor is enriched by the addition of a screaming, leg-humping, ass-biting primate. Even, say, sex education. I beg your pardon? you might ask. Clearly you’re not acquainted with the strangest children’s book of the 19th century—Sammy Tubbs, the Boy Doctor, and Sponsie, the Troublesome Monkey (1874).
I keep meaning to write and then when it comes time, I find I haven’t any words worthy of sharing. I’ve been hiding and I don’t know where I am.
According to firefighters, the fire started in a dumpster in the alley behind the building.
At the height of the fire, 11 firetrucks and about 50 firefighters were involved.
Still no word on Spartacus or The Spirit Within.