my happyplace is one where we’re sharing

I’ve been feeling useless lately with regard to writing. Almost all my posts have been links to other peoples cleverness. Today though, I’m feeling a bit uplifted. I’ve been noticing that it seems every page of my friends list has a nifty link from me credited in someone’s journal. Ergo – I must be at least giving people interesting enough content they also want to share.

 Sharing media.
That’s enough for me.

this superman costume will not let you fly


-A warning on an electric router made for carpenters cautions: “This product not intended for use as a dental drill.”

-A CD player carries this unusual warning: “Do not use the Ultradisc2000 as a projectile in a catapult.”

-A box of birthday cake candles says: “DO NOT use soft wax as ear plugs or for any other function that involves insertion into a body cavity.”


I love stuff like this because it means that the company concerned actually had to deal with these compaints. Like “do not stop active chainsaw with hand.” Someone DID that?

outsource the greedy ones

Before bed sometime this morning,   was telling me about this and I was telling everyone else I was talking to. Passing the utter cool news on. Now I’ll do it here.

Where the protesters were demanding that the IBM CEO gets outsourced to India.

Sporadic chants of “Offshore the CEO!” punctuated a gray Tuesday morning here in Providence, Rhode Island, as about two dozen picketers representing a group of current and former IBM Corp. employees welcomed attendees to the company’s annual meeting.