if tugboats were bigger, other boats would tug tugboats.
I so miss Duckman.
n: vb: the spice of imagination
if tugboats were bigger, other boats would tug tugboats.
I so miss Duckman.
Tonight is SinCity and for the first time, I’ll be going with a group of people.
Hopefully Dominique will be here soon to laugh at me and make me feel better with her wit and naughtiness.
A few people have asked for it, and as I’m stuck on the puter today anyways, it’s not like I have anything better to do then list my webcomix folder..
note to everyone:
Van Helsing = suck
Consider yourself warned. The suck is visceral.
Have you seen Requiem For a Dream? It’s a beautiful film, and disturbing. The female lead ends up whoring herself out for drugs. A terrible scene with another woman involving a double ended dildo. Last night as Adrian and I were eating trifle and watching Labrynth, I pointed out that that she’s the same actress.
I suppose that’s what happens when you turn down the goblin king.
The glorious
I’m almost certain I returned his book…
Why should Hallowe’en be only once a year? Make the world go “WTF?!”. Have yourself some fun… or would you rather sit glued to your television so you can complain about bad commercials and reruns to co-workers the next day?
I am so so so doing this!
We’ve got a lot of groups participating in Super Hero Day in Western Canada, one in Detroit, one in London, England, one in Baltimore, MD, and two in Los Angeles so far.
You could be established comic book heros too, but originality is more rewarding.
Calgary’s the place where this deal started, so while you’re all full of national pride, keep it goin’ with something you never considered before.
Feel free to copy the graphic and email it to everyone you ever heard of.
And have a better one, Citizens!
The rules: Put your playlist on random, and from the first twenty songs (regardless of cheese factor) post the first few lines [if the tune has no words, you are allowed to skip it] – then let the people try and guess in comments. Don’t put any clues (title, artist, anything that will give away the song). Songs guessed correctly will be striked out.