
anyone know what I’m forgetting??

3:00 – pick up robin
6:30 – meet adrian and sophie at granville
(somehow nab alex as well)
7:30 – supersize me at 5th ave cinema
(with sophie, lief, alex, neiriad, adrian, ethan, victoria, ian, masha, & unnamed man)

2:00 – meet with jude & chris to plot at vinnie’s work.
5:00 – meet with andrew

10:00 – lawyers appt
xx:xx – meet with photographer?
6:00 – one man lord of the rings –> waterfront
xx:xx – return james camera

2:30 – pick up robin

tea party update

From : Dan Vie
Sent : May 7, 2004 9:47:53 AM
To : “Jhayne Holmes”
Subject : Re: mad tea party/ props

yes, the date will be sunday june 20th starting at Noon.
people are free to contact me for details at 604 XXX XXXX.
We’ll be doing some planning this weekend and maybe can set a
prop production date.


If you want to help – either e-mail the above adddress or ask me for the number.


We’re watching Incubus,  the esperanto movie starring Shatner.

Yes – you read that correctly. We are obviously masochists. However, Ethan had a brilliant thing to say:

Sexual ambiguity is a ward against Shatner. It’s his fatal weakness. Prince is his mortal enemy.

we’re looking together and don’t know

Uh-oh. Someone is reading intimately about themselves in my journal. I’m not exactly feeling safe about it, but that’s the point of this. Openess and honesty in all things always.

I love how it’s possible for two people to be reading the exact same words on-line and be aware of it. Which words are they looking at right now? How are they reacting to these sentences that are making me smile?  I love the how and where and the possibilities.

I can only hope they find it as amusing as I do.

todays groovy news

Swedish company making wood computer peripherals

SOLLENTUNA, Sweden (AP) — Computer users tired of black or beige plastic now have a more natural choice.

Swedx, a maker of computer peripherals, sells custom-designed monitors, keyboards and mice encased in timber culled from Chinese forests.

It’s not sandbenders, but it’s still pretty nice. On an unrelated note:

Party Set for Andy Kaufman, Just in Case

NEW YORK (AP) — Andy Kaufman died of lung cancer on May 16, 1984, but according to legend, the eccentric comedian said if he were faking, he’d resurface 20 years later to the day.

So, just in case, a party is being planned by Bob Zmuda, Kaufman’s best friend and partner, at the House of Blues in Los Angeles on May 16.