lunch satisfied in a suit

It makes me happy to still know you. Happenstance and chance creating vectors of not amazing, but attractive in that inoffensive, smooth-cheeked, highschool kind of way. Food from the past future featuring powder and microphones. Camera lenses would show only details, and not my inner amusement at our carefully simple conversation. So clean, so sleek, so carefully groomed.

I’m reading a new book that’s inspiring me to write again. Actually sit and portray sentence and word and wit in letters. I’m remembering the flow of language. How turning a precise phrase makes me feel. The shape of my mouth saying the word, “love”. My tongue touching the roof of my mouth only briefly. I wanted to hold your hand for a moment, but only because I’ve been lonely.

W O R D S   A N D   E X P R E S S I O N S
C O M M O N L Y   M I S U S E D

It really IRRITATES me when people do not use proper grammar. It does not AGGRAVATE me. Do you understand that? IRRITATE means “to annoy,” and AGGRAVATE means “to add to.” So, if you’re already IRRITATING me with your abominable speech and your insistence on smoking a cigar in my living room, your saying, “Hey buddy boy, don’t get so AGGRAVATED; I’ll open a window,” will only AGGRAVATE the situation.

I can’t even deal with “LAY” and “LIE” right now. I’ll smash something. I know it.

link thanks to


Time zips past. As I’d forgotten about it for such a while, I have ever so much more to read. *joy*

Go play.

you’re never there – on the phone long long distance

So oopsie.

Didn’t meet up with either Chris nor Andrew on Wednesday. Chris because Jude hadn’t actually arranged it and Andrew because we stood eachother up. Because we’re special. Yessir indeedy. I waited two and he waited only one, so more special points for me. The fact that we were about 300 feet from one another must give us a bonus in some sort of innocents heaven, but I couldn’t name it. (There should be a religion with a ghod who only likes irony and evil jokes).

you think she’s an open book, but you don’t know which page to turn to, do you?

Today was my lawyers appointment, and that went fabulousy well. Things are finally happening and being happy. This whole thing should be wrapping up in the fall. *crosses wood, knocks on fingers*

the ornaments look pretty but they’re pulling down the branches of the tree

This evening I’m going with Robin to a geekfestery: The One Man Lord Of the Rings. I have a sneaking suspician that I’ll get all the jokes this time, rather than with the Star Wars, where I kept missing parts. Waterfront Theatre people. $12 tickets at the door. I know Derick will be there, so gauranteed puns.

boulevard marquis with stupid bandnames, I don’t want to feel the emptiness

hits of technology

It seems people in scandinavia are becoming clinically addicted to text messaging on their phone. One fellow sent approx 2700 messages in one week. Apparently he got a dopamine hit everytime – like chocolate. I think that ties in wonderfully to The Jabberwocky, a new add on to phones. A way to keep track of the “familiar stranger.” These are people that you see in public on a regular basis, but do not talk to or otherwise communicate with, at least not in any normal sense.

I have to admit, I want one.

first link thanks to andrew, second to .


Everyone’s been very serious lately. I get caught almost unawares. I’m uncertain what to do with it. Alright – you want to sleep with me, this one wants to kiss me, that one wants a date, and this one won’t admit to anything but everyone knows it anyways. Three in an hour.

this is getting ridiculous.


I’m fixing the purple today. I seem destined for a purposeful day. Adrian woke me up in time to be lucent when Dan called about the Tea Party. Nice to know I’m remembered for being the girl in the tree. (How many years ago was that? And what have you been saying Rowan?) I have the number now of the fellow who’s going to be hostng the prop making.

(yet another plug: dress up as your favorite Alice In Wonderland Charactor and show up at Trout Lake! June 20th!! details on the website coming soon!)

My hands are tinged violet now and I am utterly speckled plum. Figuring says with enough practice on selfdyeing, I should be able to eventually be able to brush it in without getting it all over me. So far I’m not proving the theory, but I’ve improved enough that I haven’t even one smear on my face.

Onward to shower and bleach.