- Tue, 05:23: I’m at Seattle-Tacoma International Airport (SEA) (SeaTac, WA) w/ 55 others http://t.co/6ebsu1v7
- Tue, 05:25: I’m at Gate A10 (SeaTac, WA) http://t.co/59ZGOsIV
- Tue, 10:38: I’m at Terminal 5 (Jamaica, NY) w/ 6 others http://t.co/QklB9WzP
Author: foxtongue
My tweets
- Sun, 19:40: I’m at Downtown Seattle (Seattle, WA) w/ 4 others http://t.co/AVXFf1Oa
- Sun, 23:51: I’m at Bedlam Bedlam (Seattle, WA) http://t.co/5ZZcCOSO
My tweets
- Sat, 23:26: I’m at Kitsilano (Area) (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/3ziUCl6x
- Sat, 23:32: Lunch w Lung. 🙂 (@ Romer’s Burger Bar) http://t.co/CRas2mMN
- Sun, 05:44: I’m at Peace Arch Border Crossing (Surrey/Blaine, BC/WA) http://t.co/ivosb77y
My tweets
- Fri, 05:31: I’m at Colossus Langley Cinemas (Langley, BC) w/ 3 others http://t.co/rp4sX7YH
My tweets
- Tue, 21:06: I’m at Turk’s Coffee Exchange (Vancouver, BC) http://t.co/ZJClQdav
- Wed, 03:12: I’m at ULounge (South Surrey, BC) http://t.co/0NqEhsd2
My tweets
- Mon, 00:33: I’m at Commercial Drive Licorice Parlour http://t.co/DHij39aF
My tweets
- Sat, 05:18: I’m at Peace Arch Border Crossing (Surrey, BC) w/ 3 others http://t.co/OCL1lqUT
My tweets
- Fri, 06:44: I’m at Sideshow Studios (Vancouver, British Columbia) http://t.co/vCs2q1f6
My tweets
- Sun, 19:26: RT @AaronRTS: @Just_Eva @MaybeAnotherDay @Deervertebrae @ESiobhan @lucyconquered @Foxtongue That night I discovered you’re all … http: …
My tweets
- Sat, 20:13: I just ousted @spooky_jase as the mayor of Cafe Nuba at The Waldorf on @foursquare! http://t.co/Vkl9qOmq
- Sat, 20:13: Free Cereal Bar. Grand Opening. (@ Cafe Nuba at The Waldorf) http://t.co/XeZoFpLE
- Sun, 03:03: I’m at The Tosser & C*nt w/ @deervertebrae http://t.co/qijsEmsx