I am girl genius

get down get down : play that funky music whiteboy

I am finally getting my pyro tech tickets. I will be legal when I blow things up. Paid to set fires. Apprenticeship begins this week. In my insanity of motion, I already have a gig. Saturday I’m working the Parade of Lost Souls. First one’s free. Another two shows and I can legally buy the Pretties What Go Boom. Send in my upgrade petition and bang – bang – my baby shot me dead. Tuesday I take the indoor course and Wednesday the outdoor. Two full days of training I suspect I should be well prepared to handle. Not only is this a poetic accomplishment that likely compliments my world quite nicely, being able to list Pyrotechnician on my resume will hopefully raise all the right eyebrows. If it doesn’t, well, soon I’ll be able to buy level two explosives.

a total eclipse of the heart : once upon a time there was light in my life : but now there’s only love in the dark

I’ve never made a tutu before. I know nothing of their construction whatsoever. I have no needle. I have no thread. I am not prepared to sew anything. I do however have a shining heap of painfully pointy safety pins and six metres of black netting. (Now twelve as I, in my arrogance, dared the scissors.) In spite of the obvious drawbacks to this situation, I seem to be doing alright. I hit on the idea of making an inside-out kilt. Odd, but it seems to be working. The fluffy is happening. Note: I have never made a kilt either. What I know of kilt manufacture is entirely gleaned from a ten minute conversation with Ross Nukem as he was making us food in my kitchen at four in the morning. A ten minute conversation filtered through the euphoric exhaustion of a heavy night of dancing at SinCity.

I was alive and I waited for this : right here, right now : watching the world wake up from history

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