Two in the morning is not the best time to remember one works the next day. Bit of a startling moment, that. As foolish as dancing in the middle of a pub frequented entirely by leather women. Downstairs was Wild Cherry Boogie and upstairs was Lovesong by the Cure, both mixing with Ancient and Justified from the jukebox in the back. Together they somehow melded into something fabulous to dance to. I stopped when I realized people were watching. Well, no, I stopped when there was talk of putting me on a table to make it a show.
though rain came to talk to me and she’s pretty damned cute
That would have been a bit much. Bad enough that I go to a lesbian thing and accidently i hope not pick up a boy. Funny – a friend of friends, known him forever but I suppose he’s just ‘noticing’ me now. I am sensing a pattern here. Some nights – just kill me already, but I’ll go if he calls for coffee. Nice folk are handy, especially severly top sadistic folk. If nothing else, they can get your kitchen clean. Hah. Bonus if they’re cuddly.
Sorry – I’m drifting into humour that likely doesn’t come across so well on the page. I suppose I really should have picked up some food. Night world. Let me dream someone into my city.