“sounds like a plan”

The Boy Robin and I are off today Halloweening. We’re going to slum it in the classiest way possible. Giant grease-mongering-the-way-they-should-be burgers at Save-On-Meats on Hastings. Don’t listen to the peanut gallery, they’re one of Vancouver’s best kept secrets. You walk in to this giant butchershop in the scuzziest neighbourhood we as a city have to offer and wend your way to the back, where there are yellow formica top counters with little retro fifties stools screwed into the floor to sit on. Park yourself down and when you order your burger, ask for a little saucer. The trick is that you need to squeeze the dripping meatwads of grease before you eat them. Otherwise that pool of yellow in the saucer would be dripping down your arms, no matter how fastidious an eater you tend to be. And Robin? Robin is certainly not fastidious. I wouldn’t even venture to call him tidy.

After our generous helpings of greasy death, we’re going over to Dressew. Me for reflective tape and netting, and Robin hopefully to find a sword and shield. He is going as Link from Zelda. For some ineffable reason, I’m approving of this. Don’t hold it against me unless you also have chocolate. It’s better than his other ideas, believe me. I’m going to be picking up some black industrial garbage bags as well. Instead of cloth, I’m calling with tape and plastic. I’m going to see how much I can have finished between arriving home and heading out to meet up with Angus for Spike & Mike’s Sick & Twisted. The lack of sewing machine is going to be a bit irritating, but perhaps some kind twist of fate will drop one at my door this weekend.

Tonight will be fun as well. I received a personal invite to the Raven opening tonight. I don’t know how I manage to end up with these special mentions when I’m so very uninteresting, but hey, there you go. I borrowed fetishy things off Alistair before he hopped in the cab this morning, so I should be partially set. I cheat every month for SinCity, no kinkster I. One of these days, just to make life easier, I’ll have to get one of the PVC dresses that everyone and their sister has, but maybe not. I can live with safety pin clothing for a little while yet.

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