- Mon, 20:44: Selling CDs. (@ Audiopile) http://t.co/RoqkgtBQMF
- Mon, 20:50: “My vote for Best Place To Sell Your CD Collection.” @ Audiopile: http://t.co/jYieFIy6NO #foursquare
- Mon, 21:02: Litter and ferret teething supplies. (@ Mr. Pet’s) http://t.co/4eJXVVRpBT
- Mon, 21:27: $10 richer. (@ Powell Street Return-It Bottle Depot) http://t.co/ewx0Zl7bGJ
- Mon, 21:47: Another box of donations out of the house! (@ Value Village – @saversvvillage) http://t.co/TQACM9VJ3h