birthday party reminder: this friday

Day 95: Happy Birthday to Me. Originally uploaded by SaylaMarz.

The amazing, astonishing, astounding, fantastic, fantastical, incredible, marvelous, miraculous, phenomenal, stupendous, unbelievable, wonderful, wondrous party…

Jhayne’s Fashionably Late Birthday is this Friday, the 13th!
at the Foxy House, 1531 east 4th ave

with special guest star, the talented and glorious Venus Soberanes, who will also be celebrating her birthday with us!

The party has been become significantly more organized since I first posted about it, and all to the better. We’ve added a special birthday guest, a magic show, a pirate band, and a beautiful sauna-inna-truck, (which sounds sketchy, but isn’t at all), with the possibility of a drag show and a belly-dancer.

The schedule is shaping up as follows:

6 pm to 9:00 pm: BBQ in the garden, yum! Bring food to make, food to share, and/or whatever else you want; wine, fruit, pudding, etc. Vegan/vegetarian friendly is an asset.

10:00 pm: Magic show. Yes, a magic show. Because we are awesome.

10:40 pm: Unconfirmed drag show.

11:15 pm: The Creaking Planks, a pirate shanty band full of accordion and wash-tub bass.

11 pm to 2-3 am: Sauna by donation, bring a towel!

11 pm to ?? am: Dancing. Kitchen party-osity.

Please come at any time, stay as long as you want, and BYO-whatever you like. Easy suggestions include: Instruments, ice-cream, jell-o, glitter, spray-on hair dye, sidewalk chalk, funny hats, spare change, chocolate, pudding, bubbles, cake, cookies, sock puppets, music, games, cheeses, fake mustaches, body-paint… Costumes are always welcome, towels are recommended.

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