It was brought up repeatedly yesterday that my birthday is in a week. Folk have been asking what sort of wee gift I would like for my annual number switch and I’ve decided it’s time to proclaim it. I want every single last one of you who is available to dress in your most typical clothing and come with me in a large group to have our portraits taken somewhere like Sears. I think it would be fabulous. Everyone toss in five to ten dollars and I think we could cover it adequately. I’m thinking horrid blue sponge wash backgrounds and awful prom photos. I’m thinking those family portraits what happened when you were ten and thought that goofy headbands were cool. I don’t expect this to happen before my birthday, as apparently there’s only a week left, but in early June I want this organized. Spread the word, find out when people could come.
It hasn’t been very long. My dreams are out there, fluttering and pretending to fly, managing without me. The air smells like fire and rain, a strange combination maybe, anywhere but here. Instead, this is usual. This evening tableau, I saw it in the forest of my hair three weeks ago. I even knew he would bleed. I swabbed his cuts with alcohol on a damp cloth and lay him on his side. I see a child in his painfully hurt eyes, but not one of mine. This one loves me with the breath of gods again. My teeth are the stars and from my tongue hangs the moon.
Tonight is the Fire Circus. It was last night as well, but I haven’t been keeping track of days well enough to have set myself up to go. I saw posters up two weeks ago and avowed then to go. Tickets are 20 a head, which is rich, but I’m hoping someone will want to go with me. So far I think I’ve a chance of roping in Inevitable Bill. Which reminds me, Travis is back from Egypt and is going to be moving into Gamer Hall this upcoming month. This is a happy thought. I get too gloomy, I shall endeavor to remind myself of it. I’m not sure what sort of show there’s going to be tonight, but I don’t think it’s particularly going to matter. They can be bought at Noize, Scratch, Zulu, and likely one or two other alt record shops.