It has been noted that it can be almost impossible to give me news. Today is certainly a day I’ll agree. Two people called with news in the past hour trying to tell me something new, but the result was an amused deadpan elaboration on the topic for them. (I suppose I should be slightly bothered that people use me now as a combination newspaper, encyclopaedia and dictionary, but so far it’s just been nicely amusing at worst.) Then there was this discovery – Boingboing blogging about Dschinghis Khan. This makes me think I might be too bleeding edge for my tastes. One of those I need to get out more moments. I sent this video around weeks ago, prompting Nicholas to write a post what actually had a bit of research in.
I’m debating submitting it. Also, perhaps sending this. In either case, flip a coin you idiot girl this is wasting brain, I’m on the hunt for someone who is willing to let me do this to their phone.
I wish I could write about girls the way dys does. I can imagine him as a young emo version of Tom Waits minus the large shouldered cat prowl, but certainly catching concepts on a rough tongue trapped inside a skinny boy who needs to kick the habit of chewing on cigarettes.