Heaven is burning. Also, Tom Waits followed by Goo Goo Dolls on a playlist should be heresy of the most dire, but strangely it worked so well as to almost make me cry. As a addendum to that, I don’t particularly like the Goo Goo Dolls and I only have Iris because a girl sent it to me. How edifying, I know.
This morning my bed was host to a peculiar brand of musical chairs. There was a ferret. At one point I was sandwiched between two lovers? I can’t tell anymore, but I suspect it doesn’t actually matter. My relationships are getting rather blurred. I like to make them both smile and they have impeccable etiquette, so I’m happy. These days sex doesn’t have to be involved for me to label someone a lover. Gavin asked and I left the city with him at the drop of a metaphorical hat, what else might that be called? I let myself be home to a number of people, some who I haven’t seen in years. Crow is out in Kelowna, and if weren’t for the dog, he knows he could come live with me for two weeks with no warning. An experienced declasse sixth sense says he would not be as blase with Matthew crawling unannounced into bed at two in the morning as Gavin was, but there’s a level of gentleman’s shyness that I don’t think he ever got over. We had five of us in that bloody bath-tub, it must have been awkward for him not to look at me, but his eyes firmly fixed elsewhere, even when I stood up and pointedly asked for a towel. His head swiveled away so fast that time must have warped as a necessity. As Jenn is getting married, I suppose I’d better find a way to polish that story somehow. Popular culture tells me that naked bride stories are obligatory at weddings.