A man in a long leather coat smashed into a display case and stole the scrying crystal ball of John Dee, spiritual hack to the queen back in the 16th century. He took off with its parchment instruction manual as well. I think it’s amusing that someone would smash the display case and take a runner with them. That they were dressed so is like the cherry on top. Dee was an odd an interesting fellow who got famous creating a language with which he would talk to angels. He’s worth looking into if you’re interested in historical wierdos. Sort of a con-man wizard type, very authorative. He had quite the interesting position in court back in the day, the official philosopher occultist.
Apparently there’s been quite the string off such olde world incidents in the news. Meteor showers, sightings of apparitions. Certain parts of the world seem to be going through an almost eldritch string of headlines. I quite like it.
In a beautiful moment of personal mythology synchronicity,
Oh, the kinky possiblities of nostalgia.
Sounds like the perfect time to introduce the world to zombie pin-up and defeat the RIAA.