I have recently made the aquaintance of the illustrious Dr. Smax, may heaven have mercy on his soul. In an obviously desperate ploy for attention, he made me this!
Isn’t it lovely? Does it not make your very soul shake with jealousy? Oh yes it does.
I also have been given by Larry, the boy genius who fell from the sky.
So far it’s been an interesting haul, sort of like a doodle hallowe’en but without the saltwater taffy.
Here’s how it works,
– Comment and I’ll pick one of your LJ interests and draw you a picture.
– You have no say in what I draw you! Or in how much it will suck!
– Put this in your journal. And the pic.
– Obey me!
My lack of both scanner or camera prevent me from particularly playing this game, but I think I did well enough when before it was a meme, when it was just me.