There is something both satisfying and not about wearing thigh high fishnets around the house. Tie ups with PVC trim, they’re certainly fun. It’s secretive, having them on underneath a long skirt that sways to the ground. Secretive is somewhat sexy, a little self-alluring. The idea is to let the other person find out, to let them discover and then want. It’s all rather useless if there’s no pique of interest. Thence the Not. I suppose it’s the moon of month to feel under appreciated. Too much need.
It’s time to take things out airport for shipping. Time to slip on my matching gloves and slide out of the house. Sit in a car feeling not quite enough. Tomorrow I’m at the airport – very first thing in the morning. Hang out in the blue seat area until it’s time to die a little. Another I Could Go With but Am Not. Another waving them goodbye and damning my eyes because I can’t watch them walk away. They blur into nothingness, blends of colour with no meaning attached.
One day I’ll see my lovers, until then, I hope they send more pictures.