- Thu, 15:53: #kitten delivery! http://t.co/ldgYaZtklY
- Thu, 18:17: Everything the Internet loves in one innocent package. (Props to Claire for the pic). #kitten… http://t.co/47YMoKLjYT
- Thu, 20:19: A further reminder to go outside and get up to my old tricks. http://t.co/ncpVwlloZn
- Thu, 20:20: Today’s Required Reading is by @neilhimself : http://t.co/AHjBRBgeqK
- Thu, 20:40: unmanned robots designed to grind up all the jellyfish they find, at 2,000 pounds an hour #grimmeathookfuture http://t.co/B1wLx0lxKy
- Thu, 20:56: If the Earth formed at midnight and the present moment is the next midnight, humans have been around for 1 second. http://t.co/QK1A1N41EG
- Thu, 21:05: Ask for consent. Check in. Rinse. Repeat. http://t.co/3CRNce37wO
- Thu, 21:07: Corporate Portraits of White Women with Black Hairstyles http://t.co/XBptGwAZSt
- Thu, 21:09: “Take wild risks. Fight the good fight. It is all worth it.” http://t.co/L8PLR5Mzn2
- Thu, 21:11: @mattfraction is such a good writer I can’t even http://t.co/TGd0IbjMCn
- Thu, 21:30: RT @mikekuniavsky: “I had a debate about whether the internet of things would end up being called ‘the internet’ or ‘things.'” Lawson #mobi…
- Thu, 21:31: Come work with me! Currently hiring for Junior Level Tech Support. http://t.co/k7qSkxTnwB
- Thu, 22:22: RT @doctorow: EFF currently has three fantastic job opportunities. Apply today and please share widely: https://t.co/8kKvmetxdu
- Thu, 22:23: RT @dailydot: Fracking dispute grows violent in Canada: http://t.co/WcCsNbFQ9i #IdleNoMore