- Wed, 16:07: I entered to win 2 free tickets to Halloween at the Burrard Hotel from @borednvancouver and @XsocialSeries. Info: http://t.co/itaeafIfZQ
- Wed, 16:09: David freaking Eggers brings the happy making with some pointed fiction. (I would love to work there). http://t.co/QwA1BsSsoS
- Wed, 17:10: RT @KdotCdot: Hold up, they arrested the Silk Road admin in the SF Public Library in Glen Park? Hah! http://t.co/zFu91qsrqP
- Wed, 17:10: RT @KdotCdot: Murder! Drugs! Intrigue! I figured Silk Road getting busted was a “when not if” situation, but this is pretty insane. http://…
- Wed, 19:05: RT @sfslim: MT @xor: The 4 amateur-hour mistakes the contributed to [alleged] Silk Road founder getting busted: https://t.co/yIQhV7ECF0
- Wed, 20:50: Being in the office isn’t so bad today. #cake #HRprocess #workspace http://t.co/DY6NU3o5Ii
- Wed, 22:50: I’m at Peace Arch Border Crossing (Surrey/Blaine, BC/WA) http://t.co/J2ro9RteVZ
- Wed, 22:55: The Internet claimed no #borderwait. It lied. @ Peace Arch Border Crossing http://t.co/hYfd79bHlk
- Wed, 22:55: Photo: The Internet claimed no #borderwait. It lied. (at Peace Arch Border Crossing) http://t.co/NvNxRESPDe
- Wed, 23:12: Ferret supplies! (@ Hagen’s Of Blaine) http://t.co/EN8fyp3r6p
- Thu, 01:42: I’m at Louis Brier Home for the Jewish Aged (Vancouver, British Columbia) http://t.co/EqV3U9Vgdv