Tue, 17:18: How the NSA & CCHQ defeat the web privacy and security encryption used to protect emails, banking and medical records http://t.co/VTQSdU7cOG
Tue, 20:42: Asimov visited the World’s Fair 50 years ago and speculated what it would be like in the far off year TWENTY-FOURTEEN!http://t.co/3VsVR8M9l8
Tue, 20:43: “Tricking Taste Buds but Not the Brain: Artificial Sweeteners Change Brain’s Pleasure Response to Sweet” http://t.co/NWaEOcJ0Wb
Tue, 20:44: Some insight on why Burning Man is both the best and the most terrible place to be via VICE magazine. http://t.co/PfpmFey1jf
Tue, 20:44: “The lost Van Gogh: Painting found in Norwegian attic is confirmed as priceless work by Dutch master ” http://t.co/Qaue7D3YAF