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- Sun, 19:18: started from an e-mail I wrote this morning
- Sun, 20:55: I’m at Vancouver Mini Maker Faire – @makerfaire_van w/ @markklotz
- Sun, 23:34: legion of flying monkeys performance at mini maker faire, “so i had these dreams my aunt wanda was having a gall bladder attack.” #mmfv
- Sun, 23:35: Echoes of, “I looked in the medicine cabinet, because sometimes I put it there, but my penis wasn’t there either.”
- Sun, 23:41: Everyone’s singing along now to “fat, religious white people rule the world.” #lfm #mmmfv
- Mon, 00:09: Regret for all the time Vancouver had a Gonzo Dog Band that I didn’t know about. #legionofflyingmonkeys
- Mon, 03:18: I’m at Commercial Drive (Vancouver, BC)
- Mon, 05:59: Jillian christmas just turned her stolen bicycle piece into one about a stolen vibrator. Both true stories w. a convenient syllable count.