- Sat, 04:14: RT @sfslim: As Instagrammed by @rrmutt: David Byrne taking his folding bike out of his limo. #criticalmass #CM20 http://t.co/FTIJDIf8
- Sat, 04:16: RT @jesshilldreams: Pre-show still life at The Prophouse. http://t.co/RRcAB6Yu
- Sat, 04:31: RT @amandapalmer: VANCOUVER, BC: i’m playing @CommodoreVCR TOMORROW. get tix http://t.co/AVrTsRsd or enter to win one on my site http:// …
- Sat, 04:36: RT @Widgett: My new hip hop album is going to be called “I Have No Mouth and I Must Give a Shout Out.” (h/t @apelad)