via Mary Robinette Kowal:
Month: July 2010
now I have a diploma!

365:2010/07/10 – radiation burn (the results of learning algebra)
My GED test results arrived yesterday. I got 100% on Science, Language Arts/Reading, and Social Studies, a 95% grade on Language Arts/Writing, (likely because I was a self-referential smarty-pants in my essay), and approximately 65% percent on my math, which was a passing grade by ten percent.
I got the above sunburn by sitting outside, under a tree, bashing my head against algebra for four hours right before my Friday tests. (I had been wearing a shirt with a lace pattern down the back, which shows in the burn, except where my back was protected by the length of my hair.) It was so obviously painful that one of the teachers giving the test brought me wet paper towels to put on my shoulders while I was writing, and then brought me to the first aid room after the test to put serious anti-burn goo on them, so I could move without wincing. What she didn’t know is that a little kid had bashed my head with a kicked soccer ball while I was out studying, too, which slammed my jaws together, clipping off part of my tongue. I had been sucking ice the entire test, which is the only reason that she could understand me when I spoke. And yet, all that, and I only got 65%. There is no justice.
why does it hurt?!
I had thought to go to the doctor today and get a reference to the UBC Dept of Sports medicine, (there are multiple walk-in clinics in my neighborhood), but apparently I am still too much of a wreck to negotiate complicated topography, e.g. stairs. As such, I am stuck in my apartment, popping ibuprofen, nestled in ice-packs, ankle up, arm in a sling, trying not to despair too hard at the world. Given that sitting about doing nothing is a sure fire way to drive me crazy, I tried catching up on some of the transcription work I have that’s due at the end of the month, only to find out that typing for longer than four minutes feels like fire’s been injected directly into the veins of my left arm. Another fail. This leaves me too passive for words, which I hate, so instead of typing, I tried calling various financial services I’ve been meaning to call, to try and see if there’s anything that can be done about my EI debt. Short story long, no, apparently there isn’t, what the government wants, the government gets, but a credit counselor will look into it and we’ll have an appointment anyways. (At one point it was suggested that I investigate disability options and try and find out if my car accident damage counts me as a legal cripple, because I’m not already feeling bad enough about myself and situation. Yay.) Now, all options exhausted, I’m trying to make dinner with only one hand, while standing on only one leg. So far, I’ve diced a potato and almost my thumb. I hate that so little feels like such a victory.
Anyone else having trouble posting?
Half the time I try to post something, I recieve this message:
Anyone know what’s going on?
stereo instructions in german
dreaming of one day being free
Glasses: Acquired! Still need to learn how to use contacts.
Taxes: On hold until I speak to an accountant. (T4’s arrived. Completed half the back-filing forms. 2009 needs another double-check.)
Employment: Started JobWave’s unemployment program, missed most of the first week due to illness. Going to make it up next week. Have more minimum wage transcription work. No recent job prospects or call-backs, no upcoming interviews.
School: GED test results arrive in two weeks. Need to research night-school/possible grants. Social Services may pay for a First Aid certificate.
Driving: Plan to sign up for September Young Drivers of Canada classes.
Photography: Updated my Etsy store, A Thread of Grace. Liking the unfinished, rough, new One/two shoot(s) booked for next week.
Cleaning: Room is a post-illness disaster. Laundry is becoming serious as I avoid the required stairs. Boxes of miscellany need to be sorted, tidied, reintegrated into my room. Room need to be sorted, tidied, reintegrated into my room.
Repairs: Computer won’t boot. Coat rack still broken. The antique chest of drawers is missing a handle. Old microwave needs to be recycled. New Craigslist-score countertop dishwasher needs a hose fixed/needs a home in the apartment. Camera card possibly on the fritz.
Health: Still recovering from last week’s super sickness. Also down to only one limb. Right toe still broken, as is, possibly, another bone inside the foot. Right ankle is a useless ruin. Right shoulder still shredded from a car accident. Left arm in a sling, likely strained.
Finances: Currently relying on Social Services, which pays rent +$75. EI claims I owe them $1000+ with a minimum payment of $200. Credit card maxed yesterday on groceries. Other immediate personal debt = $9000. Appox. complete and total debt = $27000.*
and it’s coming closer
Celebration of Lights: beach blanket bingo edition
“2010 marks the 20th anniversary of the Celebration of Light (originally known as the Symphony of Fire), an international fireworks competition which has attracted the world’s leading fireworks designers and is considered one of North America’s top pyrotechnic competitions.”
As with every year, I will be going down to First Beach with a giant blanket and a tall stick with something bright on top, (the better to stand out from the crowd), and making a group camp by the water’s edge, near the slide, right in front of the barge.
Bring yourselves, more blankets, and snacks to share. Also, please RSVP!!
Try to arrive early, as the beach fills up fast and there’s only so much space.
Google map of the blue blanket campsite.
•Wednesday July 21st 2010 – USA Night
•Saturday July 24th, 2010 – Spain Night
•Wednesday July 28th, 2010 – Mexico Night
•Saturday July 31st, 2010 – A Tribute to China
Note: I may not be setting up on July 24th, as I plan on checking out the potential sad disaster of the indoors Illuminares Festival in Gastown at Storyeum before heading over to the beach.
10:00PM – Rain or Shine
Kyle & Lisa, wedding photos

My photos of Kyle & Lisa’s wedding are up.
Please tag profusely. There’s no way I’ll ever remember everyone’s names. Thanks!
tell me the signs of brain damage
What a roller-coaster! I started my week long 9 am – 4 pm employment program on Monday, luckily landing in with a bunch of unusually clever folks, only to fall deathly ill late Tuesday afternoon, (so feverish I deliriously went into convulsions and my mother stayed the night taking care of me), right after booking a wedding shoot for Saturday. All of Wednesday was lost to recovery, and today the fact that I only fell down once while walking around my apartment has been an incredible victory. Tomorrow I’m going back to my program anyway, then calling the groom, who I have never met and do not know, to finalize details, before meeting Tony’s bus from Seattle, and racing as fast as possible on a broken foot over to the Folk Fest to catch Shane on the main stage. On Saturday morning, after what will feel like not half enough sleep, I will finally meet the bride and groom as they pick me up on their way to pick up a sailboat, which we will then sail over to the wedding, where I’m going to do my damnedest to not fall off a dock while trying to stay out of everyone’s line of sight while still getting good pictures, while Tony likely sets off for the Folk Fest market, carrying my extra gear. If all goes well, we’ll meet later at Granville Island for more pictures, the reception, and more pictures, where, who knows, maybe I’ll even sit down. Will I be okay being so busy after being so sick and running around on broken bones? I don’t know, but I can tell you this – I certainly don’t have any plans yet for Sunday. Except to go to an evening movie and, oh yeah, Folk Fest until I drop. Hah!