continuing the run down

  • Yet another reason not to fly United Airlines.
  •, devoted to environmentally friendly travel across the world.
  • estimates the amount of land and ocean area required to sustain your consumption patterns and absorb your wastes on an annual basis.

    Yesterday I applied for four jobs, had brunch with Michelle on the Drive, (where Fitz and his love happened to be), then brought her to Kyle’s, where we all exercised like mad. (Swearing it will be a weekly thing from here on in). After that, we took the skytrain out to New Westminster, where Michelle went home, and we went to the Debonair Wedding Store, where we and the rest of the groom’s party were fitted for tuxedo tail jackets for his wedding. Deposits were put down, then we drove to Metrotown and found purple shirts for our tuxes and potential pants. I skipped out on Maria In The Shower show at the Rio due to the hour and affordability issues, but I cleaned my room some more when I got home, sorted some books out of my collection for charity, and walked them over to the donation bin. I also set up a time to pick up my new glasses, did some studying for the GED, and repeated the written practice driving test until I got at least 92% correct every time.

    Today I’m picking up my new glasses, then heading down to Seattle to celebrate my one year anniversary with Tony! How did I ever get so lucky?