what it comes down to is I really need new reasons to get out of the house

R.I.P. Irving Penn.


Last Night:

HOME: Yann Arthus-Bertrand makes with the pretty. More appropriate for a younger audience, simplistic and at times heavy handed. If I was less involved with eco-activism, I might have found it educational, but instead the only new things I learned from the film are that Madagascar’s erosion wounds look exactly like gashes in raw meat and elephants look tremendously like bunny rabbits from very high up.


Boston’s Big Picture: France’s Royal de Luxe street theatre company in Germany, performing “The Berlin Reunion”, part of the celebrations of the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


I skipped Tuesday’s films, electing instead to stay in, chat with friends on-line and attempt a good soak in the bath. (More fool me, I’d forgotten that I don’t particularly fit in our bath, now even less than before. Having a desk job is turning me into a lump.) Also, just for fun, I administered more surreal panic-the-uninquisitive status updates into Tony‘s “possessed” Facebook account:

  • Tony Jackson (otherwise known as Le Dude) is not giving up kilts, he is giving up cheese. The two words are similar, hence the confusion.
  • Tony Jackson (otherwise known as Le Dude) is going to be a father.
  • Tony Jackson (otherwise known as Le Dude) feels electric, POSSESSED by the JOY of LUCIFER, oh my goodness such an amazing RUSH, now I can WRITE and WRITE and WRITE about HIS glory, HIS splendor, oh yess, I feel like I never have to sleep again yes yes yes yes yes… yes yes yes pills pills pills pills pills pills pills pills
  • Tony Jackson (otherwise known as le dude) wants to know if you’re Dave. Are you Dave? Are you my wife, dave?
  • Tony Jackson (otherwise known as le dude) is bathing in tangy rice pilaf before going to work. Got to wash all that blood off! Hi-Ho!