looking for an upgrade from houseparty

What’s your Hallowe’en plans this year?

A lot of people here are talking about hitting up SinCity and Sanctuary, but when it comes to those two nights, I’m just done. Isn’t there anything else going on? I want dancing and fire breathing and circus acts and acrobats and fun, you know? Not mostly naked people in scanty costumes molesting each other in a drowning sea of goth. It’s okay sometimes, but not every year.

David and I are thinking we might pop down to Seattle to go to Angel’s party, (which I’d really like to attend), but it’s only one night, so unless we find something else too, we’d be stranded for the rest of the weekend. (Everyone else I know down there is going to Freaknight, the Crystal Method/Moby/Paul Van Dyk all nighter). Plus, of course, with David unemployed, we’re especially, painfully broke. We’ve got fifty dollars to live on until my next pay-cheque, and since I’m covering next month’s rent solo, it’s lucky we like lentils.

some known attendees: andrew, sara, me, david, mike levens, mike elliott, beth, ed, ryan

Amanda Palmer
Amanda Palmer and Zoë Keating play Vancouver

Wednesday, Dec 10
8:00pm – 11:30pm

Richards On Richards
(1036 Richards Street)
Tickets available through Ticketmaster and Zulu Records for $12 +tax.

Zoë Keating