almost last chance to see (yes, more digital prints)

The hour of departure continues to steadily approach. I’ve only one full day left here in Vancouver, but have I packed yet? Of course not. No, I spent my evening taking lovely pictures. You should buy some. Seriously. They’re awesome.

To re-cap: In an effort to fundraise for a short trip to Alberta the first week of December, I’ve begun selling digital prints on commission for ten dollars each. So, in return for ten dollars, I take a photo and send it as a file large enough to be printed. My pay pal address is bloodkrystal at the hot mail dotty com.


complicated faith (uncropped)
This one, a collaboration with Frank Roberts, went to
Stanislav Shalunov, SF programmer and a Director of
Engineering at BitTorrent.
comatose (one of two)
This went to Kris Millering, Seattle techie and intimidatingly
prolific writer of serial fiction.