I, BRAINEATER and 12 MIDNITE: LOUD LOWBROW: The Art, The Cars, The Music!

Saturday, September 22nd
12 noon to 12 midnight at The Chapel
(304 Dunlevy St. Vancouver)


&nbsp &nbsp Count on Canada’s crowned kings of Lowbrow art to choose The CHAPEL, a converted Downtown-Eastside funeral home as the location to mount the show that is destined to breathe new life into the corpse of Vancouver’s modern art scene.

&nbsp &nbsp It is in these grand environs that I, Braineater and 12 Midnite will present an 8000 square foot show of the art that has kept these two at the front of the rat pack for the last two decades. From Braineater’s classic blockhead paintings or his buxom devil-girls and Midnite’s graffiti imagery and neon art to the newest work that’ll be so fresh it’ll still be sticky, fans old and new will get a chance to see Lowbrow as it was intended: really big and a little scary.

&nbsp &nbsp Of course, hot rods have always been a key ingredient in the Lowbrow culture and this show’s got them in spades. “One-man-hot-rod-gang” 12 Midnite will very fittingly, considering the venue, be unveiling his in-progress hot rod 1963 Pontiac “Boneville” Hearse along with a slew of his other cars in all their battle-worn and flat black glory, while not to be left in anyone’s exhaust cloud, “Lowbrow lout” Braineater will revive his 54 Desoto custom, “Draconia” for the occasion.

&nbsp &nbsp Both I,Braineater and 12 Midnite have always included musical performances in their art shows, and this one will certainly continue that tradition.
&nbsp &nbsp I, Braineater is a musical chameleon so we can only guess at what form his music will take this time, be in sweaty glam-punk or cool electronica, it’ll be Braineater through and through.
&nbsp &nbsp 12 MIDNITE will be debuting songs off his soon to be released CD “Sweet Turns Sour” which will be available as a limited-edition pre-release at the show. This will also mark the professional debut of Midnite’s son, Harley Slade who will be playing guitar and keyboard in the band which will also include Pointed Stick Tony Bardach on bass and drummer Marc L’esperance.

Though the day-long show is free to attend and all ages are welcome, the evening performance will have a $5 cover charge from 8PM on and tickets will be available at the door.


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