me with no breakfast VS them with plates of treats. hmmm.

There is a belly-dance workshop in the Faris theatre today. I poked in about an hour ago to see what it was like, as the sound, strange and incessant, has attacked the foyer since 8 am. What I found was utterly surreal – 200+ women in various hip-scarf heavy interpretations of yoga-wear, (one t-shirt: GOT TECHNIQUE?), bellies dutifully bared, lined up in threes so as to make a large circle, and walking very carefully backwards, arms help stiffly in the air like some strange parody of choreographed children cheating at a game of freeze-tag, while the instructor shouted “Left foot! Right foot! Hands! Hips! Left foot! Right foot!” over blaring electro-clash ethnic music.

A road I want to travel.

I escape in about fifteen minutes. (I do not use the word “escape” lightly, here. That music’s been beyond terrible). After work, I’m going to the Tesla Exhibition. There’s a Tesla Gala planned as well, but as the highlights of the evening are apparently The Lord’s Prayer and folk dancing, it’s likelier that I will be finding somewhere with cheesecake and holing up with whatever kind company is available until it’s time for the Purple Party. Any takers? Chocolate probably loves you more than your last lover did, I promise.

edit: Haven’t escaped yet. I’ve no idea where the evening girl is, as she’s forty minutes late and counting. The belly-dancers have ended thier lunch-break and the 1960’s Warner Bros. Bugs-Bunny-has-dressed-up-as-as-exotic-woman music is back on full force and the instructor is now barking pilates instructions. Save us all.

I’ve been here so long it sounds wrong that people are still wishing me “good morning”

The lost NASA footage has been found. In a basement – in Australia – under some “stuff”.

Originally uploaded by Tristan C.

So there’s two things that would be incredibly useful, but need to be done during regular work hours, (and though my work is surprisingly friendly about the recent twisting of my hours around working on this, its becoming a wee leery about my hours in general). They both require someone who has a 2 – 3 hour commitment.

One: A visit to the city archives to get information on the theatre spanning from 1977 to 2006. This is the place, this is the address we need researched, 639 Commercial Drive. AJ gave them a call, (she can’t go down with the baby), and says that if you haven’t been to the city archives before, that it’s best to go after 10 am to do the little orientation before you start hunting. (Everything is indexed and there’s helpful staff there).

Two: A visit to City Hall to find out anything possible regarding viable 24 hour operation, environmental studies that have been done on the property, legal capacity, licenses, etceteras. I’m not looking into getting that baroque thing that is a Vancouver Liqueur license, not yet, so that can be left alone, but it would be good to have the details of live performance permits. ($175/each, that I know).

Southwest Research Institute, UCSC researchers identify the Moon-forming impact, make nifty animated video.